Ever eaten your lunch very late it was already one in the afternoon by the time Mom Violy and Carmina was going to eat. Mom Violy wanted to eat at Cibo located at the GH the newest area located in Greenhill's Shopping Center. Mom Violy already knew what she wanted to eat was the chicken sandwich. The server had informed us there is a new promo which you can get a set meal by picking which one you would like. There was a perfect lunch deal for Mom Violy's chicken sandwich the server asked if Mom Violy would like to pair it with carbonara pasta for 549.00 pesos ($9.63). Each had a cream puff for your dessert was served ahead of our meal since Mom Violy was already feeling lightheaded. Carmina decided to have grilled chicken with rice include with pumpkin soup and cream puff. Senior citizen or PWD card holder cannot be used since it is a promotional deal. NOT SPONSORED. Subscribe @ Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel a place to look, discover and share. Thank you for your...
No one likes talking about death. For some many years I have lived in the Philippines I have been to so many funeral services. I know there are people who don't like to hear about it and when you are like me we become stronger when we see people dying around us.
Yes, it is a painful when people close to you leave your side.
There was one experience when I had visited someone in the hospital that was confined. We spent hours with her. We didn't know it would of been our last time. We said, our good bye when we had plans to go home.
She raised her arm even if we knew she couldn't move her body. To me it was a sign from above giving us a hint. Than a little girl told us her hand smell like flower. The relative close to her said, looks like Mama Mary is getting her.
All a sudden our time was delayed when my mom wanted to take pictures inside the hospital lobby. Our driver asked, us to walk further away from the hospital because it was too traffic.
As we sat just in the car our relative called, us up and informed us she has left us. We ran back to go inside the hospital and rode the elevator.
That moment our tears came out. We started setting up what need to do in order to release her and move her to the funeral service for her viewing.
Now, we start thinking what needs to be prepared when someone close to us is still alive and when that time comes how do we prepare for it.
Just like anyone we still have parents or love one at our side. It is a sad moment to ask question in case it does happen in the near future.
Sometimes in life we need to prepare ourselves ahead of time instead of prolonging the moment when it does happen to us.
Question to ask:
- How to access your life insurance?
- How to access bank accounts?
- Copy of Phil Health Card (Philippines) or Medical Care in what region you are in
- Which hospital do you want to go to in case something happen to you?
- Who can organize the cemetery?
- What type of viewing, where, how many days, what color do you want your guest to wear, food to serve and what music?
- What clothes do you want to wear?
- Where do you hide all your jewelry?
- Who do you want to give your clothes too?
- How much do you think your property is worth?
- What do you want to do if you are in life support: (Please not in your will Do not resuscitate)
- Copy of the will
- Note:
There is a priority lane for the seniors
Just apply in any branch of Phil health. You will receive your card that same day.
Have you ever sense a smell or feeling that the person who passed away is near your side?
I have experience a lot in my life. There was time there was a lady age just like my Grandmother who I grew fond of and took care of her. Her birthday was coming up and she kept telling me her family from above is calling her. She asked, me if I wanted to come with her. I had told her I wasn't prepare to die yet. She laugh at me.
Few days later she kept telling me she had guest over her room. I was thinking in mind maybe those people who we're calling her was the family who have already passed away. Sometimes when someone is about to leave this earth people from the spirit start calling them up.
I have this belief it maybe true.
When she had mentioned she had guest over I teased her what does your guest want to eat. She started telling me all these food that seem to be all her favorite.
Days has passed by I had taken a video of her feeling that she was about to leave our side.
Her birthday came and she had a seizure in her room. I was so scared and called, for help.
There are times when I talk about Grandmother there is a gust of wind that passes by and her floral smell comes to the room. Sometimes I think it is just my imagination. When I ask the people around me if they too have felt the wind or smell the floral scent. They say yes.
Everyone in the room start having goosebumps in their skin. I am just feeling cool and not scared one bit.
To some people they get scared. For me I have no fear of the dead.
I was on the plane and I smelled a floral scent passed by, I asked, my mom if she had smelled something. She said, no. I realized maybe the person who passed away is just my guardian angel. That is how I see it.
There is no reason to be afraid of people who have left us.
One time I went to Panganisan Falls with my family and we had a family friend who had recently passed away. We had already booked our tour and paid our trip. When we rode the boat I saw black butterfly flying around me. I try to take a picture of the black butterfly. When I checked my camera the butterfly wasn't there. That is when I realized it maybe that family friend who passed away asking us to come visit her. I wasn't the only one who saw it. Even my family with me on the boat also saw the black butterfly.
The next day we had went to visit her. I no longer saw those black butterfly flying around me.
I think people who have passed away have their own way and means to show up to you and present who they are in their own way.
Just like this summer I went to visit my home town and my best friend's father just recently passed away. When I was planning to spend time with my best friend I saw two rainbows on the floor. My friend had mentioned to me before if I saw rainbow those are the sign of her own father.
I realized maybe I may have this sense no one seem to have when someone passed away. I have encountered some many signs from different people who has passed away and are apart of my life.
I have a funny story to tell you one time a relative passed away. My mom said, the person doesn't know her address. I was telling my mom. People who passed away becomes spirit they don't need to knock at your door. They will just passed by through the walls. There is no address needed. My mom is afraid when someone passes away. She doesn't like the thought someone who passed away will come visit her.
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