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Family Requesting for Philippine Brand Fruits Balls

Long time ago Carmina had family visiting the Philippines last July 2024 when you shop for items to send back home family members requested from you. This year my family came over the month of February and some relatives requested for Philippine Brand Fruit Balls that I had sent. They loved it so much asked for more. Carmina decided to purchase it online found out  Dwayne & Kate's Pasalubong  Shopee Philippines from Cebu. Carmina had purchased six pieces to give to my friends who haven't tried it. Philippine Brand Fruit Balls are sold for 230.00 pesos ($4.04) not including shipping and handling. Carmina has a lot of friends who has never visited the Philippines. If you can give them the taste of what snacks are popular no problem sharing it to them. NOT SPONSORED. Subscribe @ Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel  for future updates. Thank you for your support.

My Way of Eating Healthy

When I was a teen, I was the skinny person who always wanted to gain weight. I had high metabolism. Whatever I ate I was still able to lose that weight. I was too active doing aerobic during that time it was very popular during my teen years.

I went to night clubs just like an ordinary twenty one year old would do. 

There was a time in my life when my Father found out he was high cholesterol. I saw him drinking some sort of medicine that he drank to lower his cholesterol level. He asked, me if I wanted to drink it. 

My Father side of the family have obese and that is the scary part when I was growing up. 

Even if I couldn't gain the weight in my childhood years. I still didn't want to be like my Father being high cholesterol.

I stopped eating chicken skin and started eating healthy. My family thought I was a vegetarian. When we ate out at Carl's Jr. I would remove the hamburger patty and hide it in a paper towel on my lap when they are not looking. I would eat the bread, cheese and fries. 

I would go to the restroom and throw the hamburger patty away.

For some reason I didn't like the taste of the hamburger. 

My parents didn't allow us to drink soda. We only drank soda where there was a party. We we're only allowed to drink milk and orange juice.

My parents complained because I was a very picky eater. 

When I got older I was able to gain the weight, but I was never too fat. My heaviest weight was 119 lbs. My actual weight is 115 lbs for the height of 5'4. 

I had one friend who was much older than me she had told me once you reach 45 years old you need to maintain what you eat. Once you reach 50 years old it will be difficult to loose all the weight in your system. You will get tired often and your body will not function as you we're younger.

I took my friend's advice and did it much earlier than 45 years old.

The trend for our generation is no carbohydrates and no sugar. They call it the Keto Diet.

Everyone fear to loose the weight that carries on their stomach. 

I will share my secret to you who knows it may work for you. I can highly recommend you to do for yourself to be healthy.
  • Drink ginger tea with lemon every night before going to bed. If, you don't like the taste of ginger there are other alternative.
  • I have friends drink ginger tea before they exercise they say they burn off their fat faster.
  • Try drinking lemon slices and cucumber with water leaving the ingredient over night before you drink it. 
  • Green tea is also good for you
  • Kombucha that is fermented black tea. 
  • Try putting chia seeds in your beverage in fresh squeeze juices, yogurt and many more, There are so many recipes online to choose from. Chia seeds are tasteless no affect on your taste buds. The benefit of eating chia seeds you loose the weight you want and you get full from it.
  • Korean Barley tea 
  • Basil seeds
My family think I am such a healthy person because I am the only one in the family who eat this way.

They all have their own medical problem. 

I am the lucky one who have no health issues.

I have learn to adapt myself. The only thing I can not remove is bread and pasta. Of course I limit how much I consume in one meal. 

For example if I will eat two pieces of slice bread in the morning with one sunny side up egg and coffee. I don't allow myself to eat it again the next meal.

Remember always have fruits to eat as your snack. They say two banana a day is good for you, but if you go over it is not healthy.

There are a lot of healthy food out there that can supplement the food you are use to eating. It is just a matter finding the right food you love to eat.

My friend told me eating two hard boiled egg makes you full. It is suppose to take place of your rice.

I had tried eating two hard boiled eggs it makes me hungry after one hour. I feel dizzy after wards. It may not work for some people. Try finding other alternatives that will work for you.

I was never a rice person so it didn't affect me that much.

I learn to eat more fish and vegetables in my meal to fill me up. Since, I am not a beef or pork person I go toward eating chicken.

Garden salad is the best food there are ways of eating it and still be able to get full. 

Just remember it is only you who can control yourself what you eat. You are the only person who can do it for yourself. No one controls your life.

Even if you hear people making comments to you. You will not listen to them no matter what.

All I can say if you are inspired to loose weight and you're motivated to do it. Anything is possible.

Just remember it will take years to loose the weight. The prized is your own achievement.

Vitamins I take daily:
  • 24 Alkaline C - I notice the big changes in my life. I see my back bone no more fats in my body. I have been taking this over a year. The 24 Alkaline C has worked for me. It also prevents me getting sick.
  • D3
  • Calcium 
  • Ginkgo Biloba for those who are going through early menopause they say, later you tend to loose your memory. 
I was never a person who liked to exercise. The only way to make me motivated to do it is to find a certain person that push you to do it.

It is best to find a person to share the same interest and exercise together. To give you that moral support and the courage to strive for your goal.

I had learned how to ride a mountain bike. I use to ride a bike when I was teen. The bikes now are so upgraded so you are back to square one.

After a lot of practice I was able to figure out the changing of the gears on my own. 

Every time I would ask someone they had a hard time explaining it to me. The only way to learn is on your own experience.

For example try jogging, running, walking or zumba is also good source of exercise.

Don't be a quitter and loose your patience time will find it's place and you will be satisfied how you look.

I have friends who try to be healthy for one week and later they go back to old routine.

Everyone is all different how they feel toward themselves. Some are just happy how they look. Some are just not satisfied how they look but dream to be like what others look like. 

Life doesn't work that way.


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