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Carmina's Best Friends Requesting for Romana's Peanut Brittle

Do you have best friends who request for Romana's Peanut Brittle? Carmina has informed her best friends that she will be in town the month of May in California. Carmina already knows from her best friends what they often request from me. Carmina has friends who are not Filipino, yet they love goodies coming from the Philippines. Even though you're not visiting Baguio City there is always a way to purchase it online. Carmina was able to find the Romana's Peanut Brittle from  Cordillera World Online Shop , Shopee Philippines for 240.00 pesos each medium size. The shipping and handling are not included in the price was told by the seller if you would like to receive it fast must pick J&T. The seller had sent me pictures how it would be bubbled wrap and, in a box, making sure it was secured to arrive at its destination. Carmina had opened each one to see how the Romana's Peanut Brittle looks. Expiration date is August 14, 2025 Ingredients Nutrition Facts Carmina had pur...

The New Generation for Our Children

Now, we have children of our own. We want our children to experience more out of life. We encourage our children to do their best not necessary be an honor student. Enough just so they can pass their grades.

There are some parent's who push their children to the extreme by getting them a tutor after school. Most children are over whelmed from study that they have no time for themselves. There are students who seem to get pressured and are unhappy in their surroundings.

There are parents who spends less time with their children and most of them are left behind with their nanny, after school program or sent to the day care.

You don't see that many parents taking care of their children just like how the old generation use to be.

We tend not to be as strict as we grew up. There are more opportunity out there while there are more high technology in the market. From video games, gadgets, laptop, tablet and etc.

We see most of children having head sets in their ears to escape from people who they seem to be bothered from. They wear head set just to be alone and listen to what they call music. They are busy watching shows on their parent's tablet or phones. Either way their lifestyle has changed in stuff we didn't have when we grew up.

How do you deal with all the technology in the world? 

When I was taking care of my nephew and I had notice him watching bad shows from his tablet. I had sneak inside asked, my nephew if I can check his tablet. His tablet wasn't under parental guidance. 

This way it would prevent him watching something that he wasn't suppose to be watching. 

Some how we have to find ways to protect other children watching something that they are not ready to watch.

There are so many children out there who know more about the gadgets just playing around in it. Where there are adults who are at slow at pace still coping up with the generation of new high technology items in the market.

How do you set their limits to be away from those gadgets? I tell my son's when they have school they can use their gadgets when they are done with their home work assignments. There are parents who don't allow their children to use gadgets after Friday school and during the weekend.

Every parents has different rules for their children. Most other children tend to compare themselves from their cousins or friends.

How much television is good for your children and how long do you allow them to watch their shows?

I think it all depends on their age. Now these days they spend less time watching television. They are more on watching online.

You will notice more youngster are wearing eye glasses due to reading in the dark or just playing video games or on their laptop.

Either way the generation is changing and we are coping on every day changes that comes in the market.

How do you explain to your children about the birds and the bees? These day they learn it from school.

Just like in the Philippines in high school they interact with opposite sex. They adjust themselves so when in the future they don't have a difficult time to mingle with girls or boys.

Some senior high school are co-ed in most private school in the Philippines. Our school system has change just like in the United States. They call it the K12. The school system is also changing when the student attend. They get to choose if they want to remain in their school or move to a Senior High School that provides the career they plan to take for college.

It is just like R.O.P stand for Regional Occupational Program in the United States. That is what we had when I was growing up.

Only difference in the Philippines the course is for two years in your Junior and Senior Year.

Once you are in a Senior High School some school provide College and in that school. For example if you are attending a school that provides College Courses. The school will deduct one year of your college course evaluate as taking the course for College. Instead of taking a four year course in College you will be taking three years. This is a great advantage to most parents and students. You get to save one year of tuition for your child.

My boys started going to school in the Philippines. I had to explain how some children their parents cannot afford the luxury items that they may have. Our neighbor living blocks away from our home go to a public school that is located in front of our home.

The way those students grew up is different from those who have attended a catholic school.

When my son's left lazy to study and their grades we're not improving. They started slacking off from studying there we're rules given to them. They got grounded for things they mismanage their assignments in school.

Just like any parent they end up being called, from the Principle Office or from their teachers after school.

I explained to my son why will I pay a higher amount on their education if they didn't want to study. I explain to them next school year I would enroll him to the public school that was free from the Government. I wanted my son to know I was serious and paying a high amount on their education going to waste.

I had removed all his gadgets away from him until he had improved his grades. 

That time his driver was the Uncle of the house. I explain to my son do you want to be like him. Work for your family and only earn enough just to supplement your family. 

Do you want to live like your father living with his parents when your married? I had explained everything to my son's. Check all the surrounding around him see if he also wants that for himself as he gets older.

I explain to my son he is getting older. But, you need to find the right pathway to make your life better for yourself. Prove to yourself you can strive for a better life that you will be comfortable in.

Try to improve your life slowly.

I even explain to my son when the time comes to find that special someone in his life. To always check their back ground. What I mean by checking their back ground make sure your spouse is willing to work and not be a stay home mom. It is hard for one parent to be just working.

Make sure you will not be supporting a huge family. That is very common in Filipinos where they are helping the family members to put them in school or just need the basic necessary to supplement the whole family.

I told my son before he settle down make sure he has money saved up to buy his own house and car. Make sure all that earning came from himself.

It is best to be independent than you relying on someone else.

Learn to know the person longer when you are in a relationship with that person. To get to know that person is by living with them. That is when you can find the real person who may not show it when you are just boyfriend and girlfriend.

Make sure they are not a daddy's girl or mama's boy. Those are hard to deal.

My son always tell me they are not prepared to have a girl friend. They said, their pocket will get empty,

They want to make sure they are done with college before they think of that. For now they are more concentrated in where they will work after they graduate. They have their own goals and dreams set aside.

Marriage right now is not in their minds.

I don't want my son to be pressured just like what my parents did to me. I don't want to choose who they should or shouldn't marry.

I am more wide open to what will happen when that time comes.

I use to think I wanted a daughter when my son we're born. I realized it is easier to raise a son than a daughter. I believe one day I will have a daughter, she won't come from me. She will be my daughter in-law.

That is how I see it. This is what I tell other parents who also have just boys.
