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Family Requesting for Philippine Brand Fruits Balls

Long time ago Carmina had family visiting the Philippines last July 2024 when you shop for items to send back home family members requested from you. This year my family came over the month of February and some relatives requested for Philippine Brand Fruit Balls that I had sent. They loved it so much asked for more. Carmina decided to purchase it online found out  Dwayne & Kate's Pasalubong  Shopee Philippines from Cebu. Carmina had purchased six pieces to give to my friends who haven't tried it. Philippine Brand Fruit Balls are sold for 230.00 pesos ($4.04) not including shipping and handling. Carmina has a lot of friends who has never visited the Philippines. If you can give them the taste of what snacks are popular no problem sharing it to them. NOT SPONSORED. Subscribe @ Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel  for future updates. Thank you for your support.

Counting Down For New Year

As the New Year approaches people will be drinking it off celebrating with families and friends. The best remedy to do before sleeping it off is to eat anything sweet to prevent hang over the next day.

I have friends who use to come over and drink at our home and she would always request for Krispy Cream donut. I asked, her why she wants to eat something so sweet. She said, it removes your hang over the next day.

I am not a drinker so I didn’t know if it was true or not.

My friend slept over our home and she woke up like nothing happened to her. That is when I had believed what she had told me was true.

It doesn’t have to be a donut it can also be chocolate to remove your hangover.

One day my employee told me he has an overhang from drinking last night. I couldn’t stop laughing at him. I told him next time eats chocolate and it is not called, over hang. It is called, hangover and we both laughed at each other.

Q. Why does anything sweet cure your hang over?

A. Sugar settles the stomach, rehydrate and raises your blood sugar level all at once.

Every Sunday the employees are allowed to drink alcohol on that weekend with their own expenses. It is a break for them after a long week of hard work this gives them a chance to relax and start a new week.

Manang V had complained to me why it is only the guys drinking. I said, she can drink with them if she wanted too. She said, no I don’t want to drink just by myself. I want you to also drink with me and Ruth.

I had warned her I am not a drinker and I don’t drink beer or alcohol that is hard. I told her I only drink wine cooler or cocktail drinks. Manang V said what cocktail drinks you are talking about. I told her just see it for herself.

The first Sunday I had drank with Manang V and Ruth was when I had experimented making frozen watermelon with Tanduay Ice Vodka Cranberry

Sunday #1 - Watermelon Slush with Tanduay Ice Vodka Cranberry Recipe:



Frozen Watermelon 

2 bottles of Tanduay Ice Vodka Cranberry 

You can use any other alcohol if you don't have any Tanduay Ice Vodka Cranberry available

Step 1:
  • Cut up the watermelon and slice it how you normally eat it place in a Ziploc bag and place in the freezer over night.
Step 2:
Add the frozen watermelon

Pour 1 bottle of Tanduay Ice Vodka Cranberry

Or your choice of alcohol

Pour into your glasses

Manang V is not a cocktail drinker she usually drinks San Miguel with regular coke combined together. She said, she has never tried cocktail drinks in her life.

 My Aunt told me she loved that I drank with my staff and make them unwind because we are semi tipsy. 

We are always home so there is no drinking and driving after wards since we all live at home.

Sunday # 2 - Mountain Dew with Tanduay Vodka Apple:

2 bottles - Tanduay Vodka Apple 
1 - 1.5 Litter Mountain Dew
Drinking Glass
Step 1:
Pour one bottle of Tanduay Vodka Apple in the blender

1 cup Mountain Dew Soda

Add Ice

Pour in the drinking glasses

In every Sunday when we're drinking there is always something funny that happens when I am drinking with Manang V and Ruth. I like to tease and give them a hard time without them knowing. I try to drink less than them and love to keep pouring as they leave their glasses in front of me.

I am their bartender and the one finance their drinking.

I will share a video with you and you can see Manang V's reaction:

Story of the video:

Ruth: Explaining to Manang V (color red shirt) the reason why her drinking glass look like it is filled up because the ice has only melted.

Manang V: Looks like there is a lot in my drinking glass. 

Ruth: Look at mine it is also filled up because the ice has melted.

Me: I am asking Manang V if she likes her drink if it taste good,

Manang V: She said, yes she likes her drink.

Me: I ask her if she is ready to drink beer tomorrow.

Manang V: Yes!

This is the blooper of our night when Manang V thinks we are in Facebook Messenger talking to our friend Mary Ann, but what she doesn't know it is a video I am taking on my phone.

Manang V: Mam Chinkee is tipsy she keeps laughing the whole time than all a sudden she pops her head at the camera looking for Mary Ann

Ruth and I: We cannot stop laughing 

Me: I am asking Manang V to drink by giving her glass to her.

Ruth: Let's toast the three of us.

Me: I am looking for Manang V because she keeps going away from the camera.

Me: I am asking Manang V where is Mary Ann

Ruth: Mary Ann you are the only one missing here

Sunday #3 - Root beer Float with Vodka Mudshake Caramel and Smirnoff Mule

I decided to experiment with my favorite drink root beer float and vanilla ice cream with a hint of alcohol since Manang V and Ruth wanted me to drink with them again.

1 - 1.5 Liter Mug Root beer Soda (any brand)
Vanilla Ice cream
2 - Bottles Vodka Mudshake Caramel
2 - Bottles Smirnoff Mule
Drinking Glasses

In case you don't have Vodka Mudshake Caramel in your area you can use Baileys.

Step 1:
Each portion as follow:

1 bottle of Vodka Mudshake Caramel
1 Bottle Smirnoff Mule
1 Cup of Root beer Soda
Pour in the drinking glass leaving space to add the ice cream
Step 2:
Scoop two scoop of vanilla ice cream to the drinking glasses

Me: I am asking Manang V if it taste good.

Manang V: Yummy!

Me; Your favorite is ice cream

Manang V: She ran out of topping which means the ice cream

Me: You want more ice cream I can put more

Manang V: Yes!

Me: Okay.

This is the highlight from drinking with Manang V and Ruth I realized I am really not a drinker. I also notice I was getting fat from the alcohol I was consuming for a month. It was never my kind of social thing in the beginning. At least I was able to accompany Manang V and Ruth in their drinking.

The outcome is that I always turned red and my heart is beating fast. I have a hard time sleeping after wards.

Here is a video I would like to share with you as I had entered the room where the boy employee is drinking:

Jango (yellow shirt): Gets the pitcher and show me their drink

Me: Wow!

Me: Look at me I am red.

The boys: All start to laugh

Jango: Show me the dried green mango they are eating 

Me: Laloy looks so serious the one holding a phone on his hand

Me: Asking where is Ruzzel

Laloy: He said, so red

Me: I brought my camera close to Laloy's face and said, wow your so red

Laloy: Laughs

Never drink and drive always be safe when consuming alcohol.


  1. Excellent post. I really enjoy reading and also appreciate your work. This concept is a good way to enhance knowledge about drinks. Keep sharing this kind of articles, Thank you. Mini Drinks Fridge With Glass Door Usa


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