Do you have best friends who request for Romana's Peanut Brittle? Carmina has informed her best friends that she will be in town the month of May in California. Carmina already knows from her best friends what they often request from me. Carmina has friends who are not Filipino, yet they love goodies coming from the Philippines. Even though you're not visiting Baguio City there is always a way to purchase it online. Carmina was able to find the Romana's Peanut Brittle from Cordillera World Online Shop , Shopee Philippines for 240.00 pesos each medium size. The shipping and handling are not included in the price was told by the seller if you would like to receive it fast must pick J&T. The seller had sent me pictures how it would be bubbled wrap and, in a box, making sure it was secured to arrive at its destination. Carmina had opened each one to see how the Romana's Peanut Brittle looks. Expiration date is August 14, 2025 Ingredients Nutrition Facts Carmina had pur...
As you aged the more
things comes out of your health. I started getting floaters in my eyes when I
started my first pregnancy from my son. I saw floaters in my eyes that looks
like shadow coming from your eye that floats just outside as you keep staring at
it. The line sometimes moves around or just floats.
I never knew what the cause of it was. I thought during my pregnancy is because I wasn't eating on time.
After I gave birth the floaters went away. As years past and I gave birth to my second son the floaters had appeared again.
I went to see an ophthalmologist. I was told I had glaucoma. I was scared when I heard about it.
Glaucoma Eye:
It is an eye disease
that can cause you to become permanent blind by damaging your optic nerve.
I went to another ophthalmologist
for a second opinion. I was so worried how I can cope being blind.
My mind kept drifting and thinking the worse could happen.
I was visiting the Philippines and brought a copy of my x-ray from my previous doctor. I was told by my cousin who is a ophthalmologist that I had no glaucoma. I was so happy to hear the great news.
I had informed my brother in-law who works on
this field. He had given me eye drops called, "Moxifoxacin Dexamethasone
phoshate" eye drop.
It had slowly went away.
What are floaters?
- A vitreous through a small incision that is a clear gel like substance that stays inside your eye that shapes of your eye.
- They look like spots, web like lines or rings that are
moving around your vision.
- They are color black or gray.
- It looks like it is outside your eye, but it is
actually inside your eye.
What causes floaters in
the eye?
Age related
No need to worry when
you have floaters in your eyes. It sometime occurs when you are against the
light or sun. Best to wear sunglasses.
Try not to strain your eyes from the computer.
Always rest your eyes.
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