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Becky Recommend Trying Hap Chan Special Congee

Becky had informed Carmina she was hungry after doing our errands together. Carmina asked Becky what she would like to eat.  It was raining that day I felt wanted to eat something warm. Carmina had informed Becky if she would like to eat some soup at a restaurant, she had passed by earlier entering inside Ali Mall. Becky said sure lead the way to me. The time we ate was around 5 o'clock not many people inside the  Hap Chan . The server asked how many we are, and I said two. He had sat us near the window. Becky decided to try their Hap Chan Special Congee with an order of Asado Siopao. Carmina's order was Plain Congee with an order of Asado Siopao. When you have friends, you meet once in a blue moon with a busy schedule the best thing to do is eat a meal and talk with one another. Becky said her Hap Chan special congee had a lot of flavors and tasty with variety of ingredients. Carmina prefers her congee plain it was a big serving. I couldn't finish my asado siopao requested

Day 3: Marina Bay Sands Shopping Mall

My mom and I decided to roam around The Shops at the Marina Bay Sands before we will transfer to Crowne Plaza Hotel near the airport.

My mom and I decided to check the garden located on the roof top of the shopping mall. The only difference there was a heat wave. We couldn't handle the heat and sun facing at our faces. It is best time to visit the place when it is not so hot. It is best to bring an umbrella or hat to wear during your visit. I can warn you there is a lot of walking and if you are bringing elderly people they may have a difficult time exploring the area.

My mom had complained the whole time. I had ended up holding her hand bag. The time she had walked at her pace and rested at the chairs available it is best to bring drinking water during your visit.

 There is a casino at the shopping mall. You are required to show your passport before you enter.

Did you know people who are a residence in Singapore are not allowed to enter the casino only foreigner who is visiting?

My mom wanted to check out the place. The funny part people kept telling me I don't look like a person who can enter inside. People keep thinking I am still a minor. It is a good compliment when people don't know your real age as you keep traveling with your mom.
