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Boost your YouTube channel's visibility with these pro tips for keyword optimization!

Starting March 1st Carmina made changes to her YouTube Channel by watching tutorials to see if it would work. In every situation to see something would work we need to make changes and see if what people say are true. Many people say add hashtags to your post however they don't know inside YouTube Studio there is a section to type up five hundred. How do you start adding hashtags to your channel? First you will enter your Channel on the lefthand side look for YouTube Studio. Click YouTube Studio  Click Settings Click Channel Look at Basic Information choose which country you live and start adding keywords what your channel is all about than click save. Those who don't know the keywords are hashtags that explains what your channel is all about. This is the trending hidden way people say only way you can be discovered inside YouTube. People say it takes six months for your channel to be discovered. We'll see how many subscribers you will have so far, I have 212 subscribers. I...

L & L Hawaiian Barbecue

Craving for Hawaiian food we always eat at L&L Hawaiian Restaurant in California.

For your reference for more information check their website:

BBQ Chicken with rice and Brocolli 

Hamburger with French Fries
