Ever eaten your lunch very late it was already one in the afternoon by the time Mom Violy and Carmina was going to eat. Mom Violy wanted to eat at Cibo located at the GH the newest area located in Greenhill's Shopping Center. Mom Violy already knew what she wanted to eat was the chicken sandwich. The server had informed us there is a new promo which you can get a set meal by picking which one you would like. There was a perfect lunch deal for Mom Violy's chicken sandwich the server asked if Mom Violy would like to pair it with carbonara pasta for 549.00 pesos ($9.63). Each had a cream puff for your dessert was served ahead of our meal since Mom Violy was already feeling lightheaded. Carmina decided to have grilled chicken with rice include with pumpkin soup and cream puff. Senior citizen or PWD card holder cannot be used since it is a promotional deal. NOT SPONSORED. Subscribe @ Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel a place to look, discover and share. Thank you for your...
Carmina Lifestyle I am a person who
goes beyond than just an ordinary personal blog I want to be unique than any
blog you see online something that can capture someone else's point of view.
Remember I've always said, I accept
recommendation when there is certain topic you want to cover and I will fully
put all my efforts and words into your masterpiece. It may take time to
accomplish the task you wish me to write about and I have prove myself when
someone needs help to open up to the world the life of relationships that will
last, relationship that puzzle your minds, relationship that is too deep to see
through the foggy lens but in no other way life always has it's mystery and it
is up to you how you catch that treasure.
In every treasure there is a memory
that puts that entire picture together in one piece to make your life complete.
Carmina Lifestyle is a challenge to
find subjects to go based on real life in our lives there is a lot of subjects
to cover are not just the following:
- Family
- Friendship
- Relationship
- Marriage
- Work
- Children
- Cooking/ Recipes
- Restaurant
- Shopping/ Tips
- Beauty/ Tips
- Health/ Tips
- Gadgets/ Tips
- Travel and Experiences
In every life there are experiences
where we all go through in which some people feel like expressing it in words
of in a poem that they have made just so everyone feels the same way and cannot
express in words.
We build a wall around us and there
are times we need to over pass that wall to make our life worthwhile and
sometimes there are people who don't want to go out of the way to go out in
their comfort zone.
Carmina Lifestyle we can move and to
jump away from the same pattern if we wanted too we can explore together from
any subject you feel you want to talk about.
In every life no one is perfect I
have shared humor in my personal blog to let everyone know life is not perfect
just what you see in a pictures everyone has their flaws in life and we also
make mistakes we try to not to make the same mistakes and if we could we could
learn our mistakes and share with other so in case they are also going through
that same pattern in their life they know what precautious they can prevent
going through the wrong direction you know you had encountered.
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