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Tips Protect your luggage with our shockproof wheel cover – travel worry-free!

Often people would add decoration on their wheels bringing an impression what they believe can stand out from the crowd. Every thought adding a sense of color in your plain luggage wheel to prevent getting damage. Luggage is the same with cars it travel places only difference we don't ride on them. Just adding color to be recognized and easy to find it at the carousel when you go to the airport from your destination. Carmina has seen these items floating around social media decided purchase it for her hand carry and luggage. Tips Before Making Your Purchase Be sure to check your wheels on your luggage because found out not much luggage can be able to use. Example: My large luggage the wheels have something blocking not unless you would remove the entire wheel however not sure how to do it. Best to measure your wheels to see if they are the right size for the cover. Before placing your order make sure how many wheels are in your hand carry and luggage. My hand carry without the cove...

What do you do when your hair grows and you want to get a haircut?

The new norm is to do your own haircut in your own home due to the virus that has affected all around the world and when you are use too getting a haircut as your daily routine. When that routine gets broken and you need to find something to solve the irritation feeling on your head wanting to get a haircut there is no way to go to your favorite barber shop or beauty salon.

You end up ordering your own set of professional electric razor, trimmer and grooming kit to do it at your own convince of your home.

The problem occurs when you are afraid to cut your own hair and you ask someone to do it for you who live with you.

Next as other family members see you have a new haircut they want to follow that same trend to borrow your grooming kit.

For the people who color their hair this is a new trend is either grow out your gray hair or you learn to color your own hair because there is no way someone can do it outside not unless you make an appointment and wear a mask during the process.

Everything is changing around us and it won't be the same we are use too and we need to adapt ourselves the new way it may be hard to cope with the new changes but we cannot do anything but accept the new changes in our surroundings.

There will be a lot of changes especially those who are into doing manicure and pedicure as well going to their dermatologist so many places are being affected in the business in the whole world and what happens to those who are not use to doing it on their own.

You will notice there are so many video and articles you have already seen in the social media how to do it on your own at your home.

For now we don't know how long it will last to be this way if it is only temporary or permanent in our lives ahead of us.
