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Unleash your YouTube potential with these live streaming hacks!

Carmina started exploring with her subscribers found them live streaming in their YouTube Channel. For those who you're subscribed too can often receive a notification when they go live streaming, or they may tag you to inform soon they plan to go live streaming. Carmina was reading some post from her subscribers asking who would be interested to watch her go live. Carmina made a comment saying sound good to me. The person had replied back to me letting me they'll be going live within fifteen minutes. Carmina entered the live of her subscriber and typed at the chat box that she was already there watching. The subscriber asked us if we ever gone live before in YouTube. I said, it was my first time actually watching someone just made me curious to see how it would be. Being new in YouTube no clue how live streaming works and how many subscribers you need to start. Tips: How to Start Live Streaming in YouTube Channel First on your phone click the plus sign It will say Go Live! th...

Capture the Kid in Yourself No Age Matters

The fun only begins when you travel with family who are game to be silly when you take a picture together even if you are in a foreign country and you don't care if strangers are looking at you any way they don't know your name and where you live so you cannot be trace for your identity.

We love to be silly at times when we take pictures and being the best of life is to express how we feel by pictures making a goofy look.

If you don't see me taking a blooper video, being a photo bomber or making faces that is a person you can recognize who I am really is. I am a fun, sweet, caring, thoughtful and full of jokes to give a smile on your faces even if you are having a tough time stress is not healthy but laughter is so why not take life the next level of finding your own happiness and be child like once in a while not unless you want to grow old with wrinkles on your face.

The best in people when they don't hide what they feel when you are under a camera because the truth will come out from the beauty on each person once you get to see the picture taken.

Having fun in your video call with your friends from across the miles puts all laughter in our own self and we learn we can express our own self by picking which character we want to add to our faces.

I know some friends who don't like taking pictures or they don't like putting their faces on their profile picture they prefer to stay hidden and not let people see who they are to me it seem you have a lot of secrets not letting people see who you really are and the name that is given until you we're born.

Everyone is different they want to stay as a mysterious person with a name only someone knows or a name they use but not their real name so they don't get identify who they really are and to them it is a challenge for people to ask them questions to get to know who they really are.


