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Family Requesting for Philippine Brand Fruits Balls

Long time ago Carmina had family visiting the Philippines last July 2024 when you shop for items to send back home family members requested from you. This year my family came over the month of February and some relatives requested for Philippine Brand Fruit Balls that I had sent. They loved it so much asked for more. Carmina decided to purchase it online found out  Dwayne & Kate's Pasalubong  Shopee Philippines from Cebu. Carmina had purchased six pieces to give to my friends who haven't tried it. Philippine Brand Fruit Balls are sold for 230.00 pesos ($4.04) not including shipping and handling. Carmina has a lot of friends who has never visited the Philippines. If you can give them the taste of what snacks are popular no problem sharing it to them. NOT SPONSORED. Subscribe @ Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel  for future updates. Thank you for your support.

Do you come across someone who promise something and don't push through with their promises to you?

We live life expecting things will happen when someone promise you or they say they will do something for you but when you find out later it is just something they feel you want to hear or they are just bragging about it by saying it through words.

We live in life where some people talk to you it comes out of not thinking just words coming from their mouth and not remembering what they have told that person that they have promised or they have told a person.

In those kind of people I’ve learned not to take it all serious because it has happened to me several times when a person say something they should really do it out of their consideration not just say something and really doesn’t push through.

I’ve lived with people making up stories and in reality it is not true they have this imaginary image and think it is possible when in return it is all make believe in order for me to believe what people say I need to see it that it is true.

May be from all false things people tell me I have this way of holding back in believing in people to me they take their words for granted and make you feel like a fool to believe what they tell you.

Too bad we cannot always record what they say and program it in their brain so they could remember what they have said to someone in the first place.

Sometimes when you are stressed, tired and whatever you’re feeling inside you say thing out of no concern of other person’s feelings and when that person doesn’t seem to recognize what they have told you. You seem to be waiting for what they have said to come true.

My outlook in life is don’t believe everything someone tells you until you really see it. Learn not to listen to all the facts of a person until you see it for yourself and see it is true because people can make up a story and make it thing it is true out of something they want to happen for themselves.

I realize to just live the day as it is and any time it can change by its fate or what people say time will only tell which is good for you are not. It is a gamble to see what your future holds upon.

Each person’s life is all different than anyone else and it may end here or move on forward until than we just wait and see if what people promise is for real.
