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Tips Protect your luggage with our shockproof wheel cover – travel worry-free!

Often people would add decoration on their wheels bringing an impression what they believe can stand out from the crowd. Every thought adding a sense of color in your plain luggage wheel to prevent getting damage. Luggage is the same with cars it travel places only difference we don't ride on them. Just adding color to be recognized and easy to find it at the carousel when you go to the airport from your destination. Carmina has seen these items floating around social media decided purchase it for her hand carry and luggage. Tips Before Making Your Purchase Be sure to check your wheels on your luggage because found out not much luggage can be able to use. Example: My large luggage the wheels have something blocking not unless you would remove the entire wheel however not sure how to do it. Best to measure your wheels to see if they are the right size for the cover. Before placing your order make sure how many wheels are in your hand carry and luggage. My hand carry without the cove...

Pay It Forward


The best thing in life is when you help an elderly person and in return they give you an advantage is offering their connections to you in every story lead to a happy ending.

The gift given by other people is giving helping hands those who are need there is no age requirement there may be people who are much younger than you who also need your help or tips you can share with them they have no clue how to start something off and sometimes we learn from other people’s mistakes and learn not to do the same thing when we come to a situation that may encounter us in the future.

Manang V had informed me that she needs to buy new set of clothing to wear at the house and when she goes outside. I asked Manang V what type of clothing she will need in order me to search online to purchase her clothes since we are not allowed to go shopping in the stores due our pandemic.

Mananag V said she wanted shorts that had reached from her knee because she is old already she didn’t want to follow the trend of the teenagers like her Grandkids.

I went along looking for her long knee shorts online in Shopee and was able to find the price she can afford by searching I had typed pambahay meaning in English clothes to be worn in the house.

If you’re curious why I type in pambahay shorts plus size for woman because clothes that are for the home are inexpensive than typing shorts for woman this way it explains what is the usage of the garment in the first place.

The plus size is for bigger people who are not a free size in which are mostly sold online in the Philippines this way it gives allowance on the waist for the woman who are not slim like people who are their age.

I was able to find pambahay shorts plus size that had reached Manang V’s and as we are looking together on the color and design Manang V said what type of fabric is that and informed her it is 100% cotton.

Manang V said I don’t like cotton as we are looking for more shorts that are not cotton material the price became off from her budget and explain to Manang V most clothing are made from cotton not unless you want denim but it will be hot wearing it when you are cooking in the kitchen.

Manang V said I want solid colors not printed to match my tops I have at home. I was searching online there was no solid color shorts for her type of length shorts not unless she wanted to go on to walking shorts that went off her budget.

I had compromised with Manang V why you don’t buy printed knee shorts and matched it up with solid color shirts this way you can wear the shirts I had gave you in the past.

For the past year I have been giving my old clothes to Manang V when she tells me she has no clothes to wear this is my way in helping someone who is in need. I feel she is cooking for us and taking care of us like a mother might as well do the same in return.

Manang V already decided to buy the pambahay printed knee shorts and she had told me she has no cash flow and wanted to wait until she had her salary for the end of the month. I told her I can pay it for her ahead and she can just pay me back when her salary comes.

I said it is not a problem with me as long we can order your clothes who knows later it may no longer be in stock on the end of the month.

Manang V said I also need rubber slippers because my feet is swollen and no longer fit what I am wearing but she wanted open toe which was flip flop style.

I went ahead and found her flip flops that were on her budget and she is a size 10. I had informed Manang V to buy more than one since she had informed me she has a difficult time finding her size somewhere else.

I asked Gina if she would like to add anything in what Manang V was buying in case she wanted something as well.

My best friend asked how I was doing and informed her what has kept myself busy this is what she had informed me one day you are bound to do something very important and will be an instrument in helping others and how you are helping others you are bound to make yourself a better person finding the self worth you deserve.

I had realized this is really true so people like me this also goes to you sometimes we don’t realize it what other people see in us what we do for other people who need our help as well how we reach to help other people just in our own way.

