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Unleash your YouTube potential with these live streaming hacks!

Carmina started exploring with her subscribers found them live streaming in their YouTube Channel. For those who you're subscribed too can often receive a notification when they go live streaming, or they may tag you to inform soon they plan to go live streaming. Carmina was reading some post from her subscribers asking who would be interested to watch her go live. Carmina made a comment saying sound good to me. The person had replied back to me letting me they'll be going live within fifteen minutes. Carmina entered the live of her subscriber and typed at the chat box that she was already there watching. The subscriber asked us if we ever gone live before in YouTube. I said, it was my first time actually watching someone just made me curious to see how it would be. Being new in YouTube no clue how live streaming works and how many subscribers you need to start. Tips: How to Start Live Streaming in YouTube Channel First on your phone click the plus sign It will say Go Live! th...

What sound scares you the most in your home or coming from the outside?

What sound scares you the most in your home or coming from the outside?

Where ever you live inside your home we often hear fire truck, police car, ambulance, garbage truck and towing truck pass by does those sound bother you?

Do you ever wonder if there is a fire around your area? Or have you experience having a fire near your home or neighborhood? There was one time a year ago I did experience hearing so many fire trucks passed by our home and we came out in the middle of our sleep to see what it was because there we’re smoke coming outside entering our home for that moment you had a scared feeling because you didn’t know how bad the fire is and where it was coming from.

When living in the Philippines there are a lot of people who live and when they don’t take care of themselves leaving an electric fan, phone being charge during their sleep or leaving something being cooked while not remembering they had it on and no matter what the reason is everyone around them becomes to panic because of their own mistakes it affects the neighbors who live close by them.

I have this phobia feeling inside yourself when a fire truck passes by you with the experience you had in the past reflects back to you.

Manang V hear a garbage truck she begins to panic here in our area in the Philippines we don’t leave our garbage outside to have it picked up we need to prepare it inside our home ahead of time in the garage by its segregation from recycles, food and etc. Manang V hear the sound of the garbage truck she start to scream whoever is in charge that day to have it ready to hand it over to the garbage people.

Manang V is worried she will be stuck with the remaining garbage if she doesn’t give it and the smell becomes extreme especially when it is so humid in the Philippines.

In our residence having cars parked outside is not allowed or else your car will get towed away with a penalty to pay so all the drivers have to make sure no car is parked outside to prevent having their car towed away.

There is a public school in front our home and when there was school they would often have a fire drill for students to practice we can all hear all student outside in the street and you wonder what is going on since the school doesn’t notified or give you any notice to make sure you are aware of it.

The sound we hear inside our homes is when someone is yelling far from you but you can hear their voices from your room I often hear that when you live with someone who loves to yell for reason they want to be heard. No matter how long I live in this home I still have this feeling inside of me and I don’t like hearing the voices I hear. I turn up my music because I don’t want to hear the voices I hear coming inside my room. Sometimes when we hear loud voices so often we prefer to tuned ourselves out from it we no longer come out of room to see why they person is yelling because we are already fed up and to other people you see them having ear sets so they too don’t hear the noise coming from someone else talking and it can also affect our moods.

I also hear noise coming from our walls from the inside that there is a rat or an animal stuck inside who has entered from the roof of the home for some reason it only makes a sound not so often. So you wonder how they we’re able to enter inside or do anyone else hear it.

In the middle of the night you hear cats fighting on your roof and making some scary noise.

I also hear a sound coming from my laptop I feel one day it will die down on me with a buzzing sound and finding out my battery is dying and yet there is no replacement battery in stock for the meantime I have already backed up my files and transferred to my external hard drive to make sure when it will die on me everything has been transferred.

In the morning when we wake up we hear a native chicken making that ends up waking you up in the middle of your sleep it becomes annoying at time but nature calls when native chicken wants to make a noise.

My mom living in a condominium she hears tenants living above her making noise when she is sleeping and she wonder what noise the person is making as they are dropping objects. My mom gets worried every time there is a new tenant who moves inside the unit above her with all her bad experience she had in the previous years she had encountered tenants who had party late at night jumping on the floor as her ceiling is moving.

This is one problem when you live in a condominium and you are sensitive to noise when you reach your senior year you begin to complain any noise that comes around your surroundings.

My mom also have a barangy that lives far away from her but often they like to have a party late at night to play loud music and she is not use to those kind of music so no matter if the noise is coming inside the condominium or outside my mom is never content what sound comes in her area.

We often hear the thunderstorm outside and when it is too loud there are some people who get scared hearing the sound often we see people hide behind someone or go underneath their blanket on their bed to protect themselves from the noise.

Not only sound coming from your home from inside and outside we also come across from someone who you are talking over the phone when they inform you they are not feeling well you tend to get worried to be concern for them even if you cannot see them in person you try to find a way to console the person by giving them advice or let them hear something good about them. We come across any situation in life when someone who lives far away needs someone when they are getting an anxiety attack, lonely and health problems.

The hardest part in life when you are miles away from them and there is no way you can see them the best part is they are never a phone call away. I have known friends who don’t want you to see how they look so you end up just hearing the tone of their voices and for some reason when you know more of the person you are talking too you get to know the pitched of their voices begin to change by the way they are expressing themselves.

This is when you realized you pay more attention to their needs and realized even if you don’t see them face to face you already have a sense of who the person you are talking too.

Everyone seems to analyze a person when they spend most of the time talking to a person on a phone to figure who they are and by the time you see the person you already know who they are and you can feel comfortable spending time with them. 

