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"Cibo's perfect lunch deal for only 549! Don't miss out - your taste buds will thank you."

  Ever eaten your lunch very late it was already one in the afternoon by the time Mom Violy and Carmina was going to eat. Mom Violy wanted to eat at  Cibo located at the GH the newest area located in Greenhill's Shopping Center. Mom Violy already knew what she wanted to eat was the chicken sandwich. The server had informed us there is a new promo which you can get a set meal by picking which one you would like. There was a perfect lunch deal for Mom Violy's chicken sandwich the server asked if Mom Violy would like to pair it with carbonara pasta for 549.00 pesos ($9.63). Each had a cream puff for your dessert was served ahead of our meal since Mom Violy was already feeling lightheaded. Carmina decided to have grilled chicken with rice include with pumpkin soup and cream puff. Senior citizen or PWD card holder cannot be used since it is a promotional deal. NOT SPONSORED. Subscribe @ Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel  a place to look, discover and share. Thank you for your...

Happy 1st Blogiversary to Carmina Lifestyle!

The story of Carmina Lifestyle in the beginning my personal blog was meant for me but as when life had turned around, I realized my blog is meant for a lot of people not for me alone.

I had learned a lot from the twelve months having a personal blog it wasn’t easy there are tricks to learn how to operate your own outlook insights to catch people to enter inside for so many trial and errors I was able to achieve something on my own and to me it is a secret.

I realize it is easier for me to just hold on to a selfie monopod and just keep talking to my phone than to recite something what the celebrities do when they need to talk on camera. I always have family members to ask me to make a small clip to wish someone a happy birthday and I find it harder for me to do it to memorize a script to me it is easier when you’re in the mood to feel all words just flow out of your mouth from the moment you are more in the mood to talk.

It took time for me to edit my video clips over and over again to make it all perfect and the way it sounds and looked better. I know it is a lot of effort to put all your work together to make one video clip to present to the audience and for everyone has their own talents in the way they present themselves by their own creativity. It also takes a lot of patience to combine your video clips, pictures to make everything combine to something new in every event that you will produce on your own.

I give credits to those who do this every day it is time consuming and a lot of hard work.

I dedicate my personal blog to my mom we may be different but as my mother she is who she is and she is getting old and people her age need the attention they need and having her be a part of my personal blog she has achieve the charm she wants to recognized who she is so all I can say I want to also thank all my family, friends, people who I don’t know who have liked and my followers thank you for being supportive in your own special way.

For my mom there would be no Carmina Lifestyle the person who has paid my expenses for me to travel around the world with her for the time, patience I have as a daughter I am lucky to have a mom like her until than more places to explore, pictures to take with bloopers and travel experiences to add to our travel diaries of a new chapter in our life.

The reason why I have recently posted in my Carmina Lifestyle Facebook Page is to show what other readers liked the most out of my nine hundred plus written post to me it has been a long haul of achievements to some people it may be nothing to me it is a big accomplish for someone who knew nothing how to establish her own personal blog.

In our life when you're kept intact to stay home, we need to find something else to keep our minds in area to keep us busy when we have different life situation than others.

I've realized who reads what and who don't know how to click to enter in my web page this is why I have made adjustment in my blog just how we make adjustments in our life.

Five months ago, I have added video in my Facebook Page I realized there may have been people who come from work and are tired but would need a break from what mood they are in, and everyone goes on different moods to keep ourselves balance to is laugh at videos to put the smile back on our face.

I would like to thank my friends who are in the video who had allowed me to post it in my Carmina Lifestyle Blog for them I would not have receive a high ranked for the videos you have seen posted.

My friend had requested for me to write about her Guideline during a Long-Distance Relationship she had felt if she had something to guide herself, she would have not fallen back to the same relationship all over again.

My friend felt she needed other to know what it feels to be clueless in what LDR she had gone through and during those days, weeks and months she has gone through her relationship as a friend I was always there for her.

I may not be a counselor, but I have ears and advise to give to those who are going through the same situation it all there for you to read.

Two months ago I started adding photo recipes that food match well together this way it is easier on everyone else who love to cook and plan to cook a certain dish they would be able to buy all their ingredients.

To those who are into picture book they have something to glance as an easy access.

One month ago I started posting old photo taken years ago from infant, youth, high school, college and travel diaries to go back in time where all my memories has all begun with fashion, food and anything related to the photo for viewers to read a long the story.

Two weeks ago I began posting food trends we often see on the market I had my motive is if I cannot explore by travel why not venture through food this is just temporary.

Carmina Lifestyle I wanted to add different topics not only one or two topics in real life everything happens for a reason.

Carmina Lifestyle has a Family, Friendship, Relationship, Dating, Marriage, Parenthood, Traveling, Cooking, Entertainment and Life Experience with Tips our life is not limited this is way my personal blog is unique from anyone else this is why I feel life is a challenge comes with trial and error. 

This is how life is really is in life other people live it differently where everyone is all one person who they make themselves be no matter what we live how we want to live not by what someone tells us to live.

To be content in our life is to find what makes us happy for me to feel that way is to have Carmina Lifestyle grow and to expand to the next level in my years to come.

For those who are not my followers I invite you to click to Carmina Lifestyle to find out what is new every day.

To my family, friends and follower's cheers to us looking forward another year of excitement for Carmina Lifestyle to the next level where there will be more thing to look, share and discover together.


Subscribe @Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel a place to look, discover and share.

Thank you for taking your time!
