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Tips Protect your luggage with our shockproof wheel cover – travel worry-free!

Often people would add decoration on their wheels bringing an impression what they believe can stand out from the crowd. Every thought adding a sense of color in your plain luggage wheel to prevent getting damage. Luggage is the same with cars it travel places only difference we don't ride on them. Just adding color to be recognized and easy to find it at the carousel when you go to the airport from your destination. Carmina has seen these items floating around social media decided purchase it for her hand carry and luggage. Tips Before Making Your Purchase Be sure to check your wheels on your luggage because found out not much luggage can be able to use. Example: My large luggage the wheels have something blocking not unless you would remove the entire wheel however not sure how to do it. Best to measure your wheels to see if they are the right size for the cover. Before placing your order make sure how many wheels are in your hand carry and luggage. My hand carry without the cove...

You're Looks Matters

No matter if you are staying home someone told me you need to start taking care of how you look when you can go out again by than a lot has changed by based on your appearance by other people around you never neglect yourself and don't always think of others before you. 

Find out what makes you happy and comfortable to make those new changes in your life we will also hear from someone recommendation how you can look better someone told me having dark color hair will make you look older and if your hair color is lighter you will look younger.

Add a highlight to your hair when you have the chance to go to the beauty parlor just to add something better to your appearance learn to explore to see what can look better on you and when taking advices from other people can be a good thing.

Everyone sometimes fall back to the same hair style they have always had and never explored to change a new look and when you are staying at home there is no way for you to get a haircut you end up growing out your hair than you realize having long hair actually looks good on you makes you look younger.

My family and close friend have always seen me with  a bob hairs style or my hair was shoulder length  good thing they never called me the cartoon character Dora the Explorer may be I never had bangs to begin with but I do love to explore just like her.

You have decided what hair style you want for yourself and when the time is right you can finally have the trim or if you have courage enough to learn to do it on your own.

You have that cover you start analyzing your face structure to see what needs to be change by eyebrow, eye bags and your face begins to sag when you start to age there are exercise for that all in the internet you can read it there.

You have everything covered on how your hairstyle and beauty products next step is your body appearance to analyze your body figure if you need to change the way it looks in case you have gained weight during your pandemic months or you have lost so much weight need to take all the sag from your skin to firm it all up by doing it slowly on your own level of exercise.

I am not perfect. I also don't like to exercise and I tend to put it off and go back doing it again until I feel inspired to get back in track.

You have everything covered next step is changing your style of your clothing to give you that new look how you feel comfortable in wearing a new set of outfits.

We may have favorite clothes we wear even when it is all worn out but as we gain or lose weight those clothes no longer flatter us the way we look I know how that feels I am use to wearing loose clothing because I prefer to hide my stomach but now I have lost the weight it is time to show out the figure that you have to let other see the new changes that has happened to you.

I have friends complaining I wear t-shirt when I am home and wear t-shirt when I go outside they asked me if I had other clothes other than what they always see me wearing.

I did take my friends advise I began wearing sleeveless blouses and I notice people started giving compliments on what I was wearing when I went outside and I also felt comfortable to realize there are certain clothes that needs to be changed from your closet by giving away clothes that no longer fit you for someone else to wear them.

One day you have discover the new changes you want for yourself when you come out you have become a new person where your looks do matter to the public eye who are surrounded around you.
