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Carmina's Valentine Rice Crispies Treats Recipe

For a long time been wanting to make my favorite American treat usually use rice Krispy cereal. The only problem it is not available in the grocery store in the Philippines. I was thinking how can resolve my problem while looking online found out  Chef Reseby Baking Supplies  sells rice crispie similar with what I need. Valentine's Day is coming up found candy sprinkle often use for cupcakes. The items are local not that expensive someone can make it if they would like too. The cost of 100 grams of rice crispies is 40.00 pesos ($0.69). The Valentines sprinkle cupcake is 38.00 pesos ($0.66) not including shipping and handling. Carmina will use it being creative in rice crispies treats. Valentine's Rice Crispies Treat Recipe Ingredients: 2 - 100 grams Rice Crispies  1 - Package of Marshmallow 2 - Tbsp. Butter 1 - Pack Valentine's sprinkle Cooking: First you will melt the butter in a pot add the marshmallows keep stirring until it is all melted in low heat. Turn off heat and...

Fried Pusit (Squid) Snack

Those who love fried pusit but don't like the smell when frying it in your home you can eat the snack version from Chivalry.

Not many people like the smell of anything dried to be cooked in their home I remember when I was living in our home in California my mom loved to cook dried pusit neighbors would complain about the smell fuming outside.

I use to work in California there we're a lot of Filipino who would warn their food in the microwave and many people didn't like the smell coming out when the person had open it up after being warm up.

Too many stories to share but to get to know the fried pusit which is squid in English it is already cook.

It is ready to eat as a snack just to let you know it is kind of spicy from the taste the ingredients are squid, chili, sugar and palm oil.

Other than being spicy it is tolerate able best to drink with soda or the relaxation day to unwind with alcohol. 

Chivalry Fried Pusit is sold for PHP 70.00 ($1.40) the grams are 30 not a lot in one pouch.


I am not selling Chivalry Fried Pusit just wanted to try it out of curiosity.
