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Showing posts from January 6, 2020

Tips Protect your luggage with our shockproof wheel cover – travel worry-free!

Often people would add decoration on their wheels bringing an impression what they believe can stand out from the crowd. Every thought adding a sense of color in your plain luggage wheel to prevent getting damage. Luggage is the same with cars it travel places only difference we don't ride on them. Just adding color to be recognized and easy to find it at the carousel when you go to the airport from your destination. Carmina has seen these items floating around social media decided purchase it for her hand carry and luggage. Tips Before Making Your Purchase Be sure to check your wheels on your luggage because found out not much luggage can be able to use. Example: My large luggage the wheels have something blocking not unless you would remove the entire wheel however not sure how to do it. Best to measure your wheels to see if they are the right size for the cover. Before placing your order make sure how many wheels are in your hand carry and luggage. My hand carry without the cove...


What happens when your employee decide to quit for so many years you have known her. When the time comes she always backs out on her word. For so many years she has been talking wanting to quit it never really push through. One day that she really decides to exit that door and leave everything behind. Today, it has happened to me our employee who has worked for us for so many years decided to leave us. This time I seemed more prepared since she has always told me many years that have passed by. I told my employee this is never a good bye we can still communicate with each other. I am not the type of person when you decided to quit I will disconnect with you. I will still communicate with you. We have been family for such a long time. She was so worried that I won’t attend her granddaughter’s baptism since I was chosen one of the godparents. I had told her that that doesn’t conflict with me. Your grand daughter has no reason for me to not be one of the godparents. No ...