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Showing posts from May 17, 2020

"Cibo's perfect lunch deal for only 549! Don't miss out - your taste buds will thank you."

  Ever eaten your lunch very late it was already one in the afternoon by the time Mom Violy and Carmina was going to eat. Mom Violy wanted to eat at  Cibo located at the GH the newest area located in Greenhill's Shopping Center. Mom Violy already knew what she wanted to eat was the chicken sandwich. The server had informed us there is a new promo which you can get a set meal by picking which one you would like. There was a perfect lunch deal for Mom Violy's chicken sandwich the server asked if Mom Violy would like to pair it with carbonara pasta for 549.00 pesos ($9.63). Each had a cream puff for your dessert was served ahead of our meal since Mom Violy was already feeling lightheaded. Carmina decided to have grilled chicken with rice include with pumpkin soup and cream puff. Senior citizen or PWD card holder cannot be used since it is a promotional deal. NOT SPONSORED. Subscribe @ Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel  a place to look, discover and share. Thank you for your...

List of Activites to Do

Have you ever came across a friend who starts planning a future for you as you start writing a list you want to do together when you decide to visit your home town? You notice the list becomes more on what you friends wants to change you to become like them a person who you are not active into sports but you agreed upon trying it since your friend suggested they will be your personal trainer giving you the basic. You begin to question why your friend wants you to so much become like them and why can’t your friend just accept who you are. In the beginning you get all excited listing all the activities you want to do together base on some experience the friend has you want to encounter your fear to be a stronger person. What happen when that friend disappear from you do you push through your list with another set of friends? Do you just set aside the list of activities which are the following? Snowboarding Hiking Cycling Jogging Swimming Camping Sky D...

Being the Subject of a Conversation

You come across a friend and they tell you not to tell anyone about themselves and one day you receive a phone call. Your friend passes the phone to their friend and asked to talk to person and find out later your friend has told their co-worker who you are you become unsure why your friend tells you not to tell anyone to your friend who you just met. You become curious and wonder why all a sudden you have become the subject from their friends and you are so curious what your friend has told their friends about you. Sometime you encounter a friend who only says what they mean but it is not true when behind your back they are talking about you and you realize the friendship you have with them becomes unfair because you we’re told not to say anything to your common friends that you are talking to them. You start to question the person and ask their friends what they have talked about because you we’re shocked you are the subject among their co-worker. Sometim...

Inspired to Make New Changes

There will be a time in our life when we need to make new changes in the way we live because what we are going through around the world is sacrificing things we want to do if we could. Sometimes those changes will become an advantage and disadvantage to us because we are not use to those new changes in our life. I’ve realize during my sheltered in place people go through different moods when we are in our homes feeling unsure of ourselves. For the past months I have been inspired to keep adding more video because I realize this is what everyone has more things to do we come home to our homes from work and we are tired. We have no time to watch a long movie but we have time to watch a short video that has laughter and put our smile back on our faces. You can find the videos in Carmina Lifestyle Facebook Page . Kindly add me as one of your followers or Liked the Page. Sometimes we need to be inspired to gives us hope that when the time comes we can do what we love ...

Prisoner in Our Own Home

When we’re all prisoner in our own home we have a tendency not to be in a mood swing and you have friends close to you who don’t practice safety during our crisis you end up getting annoyed from the way they tell you stories about them. No matter as you keep caring for them your friends are in their own world you end up lecturing them because you are getting annoyed from them when they say they are prepared to die but they complain to you about other things going on with them. You come to the point your conversation goes on the broken record and you can’t seem to control your feelings and tell your friend NOT MY PROBLEM. I don’t usually use this term but I have friend use this to me before and I know it hurts to hear it but to put a stop on a conversation not going anywhere with just excuses you need to stop yourself and control your emotions before your friendship ends with that person. What happen when you’re friend thinks you’re mad at them like you need a ...