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Tips: How to Prevent People Download Video from TikTok

Social media there will always someone who would like to download your content. There is a way to stop it in TikTok. Being able to upload your content to make it only you will be able to share it. On your profile click the three dots on the right-hand side. Click to Settings and Privacy Scroll down click until you see Privacy Click Activity Status move the tab. Digital creator who has a hard time finding content to post is difficult. It is even worse when someone takes credit for your work. Carmina has shared it with her friends who have change their settings from private to public. NOT SPONSORED. Subscribe @ Carmina Lifestyle  a place to look, discover and share. Thank you for your support.

WouldULike Specialty Coffee in Salapan, Philippines


We often see people post dalgona coffee during our pandemic months.

Rather than making it on my own I decided to try ordering at WouldULike Specialty Coffee in Salapan, Philippines to try their dalgona latte taste like your drinking a white rabbit candy.

I am also a fond of sweet potato which is kamote in the Philippines.

I have never tried it made as a sweet potato latte something that caught my eye glancing at the menu.

The taste is rich and can taste all the sweet potato inside with a milky texture just when you’re drinking a latte.

Something to try if you’re like me who love sweet potato you will certainly enjoy this drink.

Cookies and Cream Frappe in full cream and normal sweet taste like having a cookie crumble with vanilla and other ingredients although it is really yummy.

The interesting part it is inside a can being opened up just shown in the picture and there is a tip once you have open the can turn it around to hold your straw in place is something I read in the internet.


To find out what other beverages served in WouldULike Speciality Coffee click at the name to direct you to their website.


I am not selling or advertising for WouldULike Speciality Coffee just wanted to try it for myself.

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