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Tips: How to Prevent People Download Video from TikTok

Social media there will always someone who would like to download your content. There is a way to stop it in TikTok. Being able to upload your content to make it only you will be able to share it. On your profile click the three dots on the right-hand side. Click to Settings and Privacy Scroll down click until you see Privacy Click Activity Status move the tab. Digital creator who has a hard time finding content to post is difficult. It is even worse when someone takes credit for your work. Carmina has shared it with her friends who have change their settings from private to public. NOT SPONSORED. Subscribe @ Carmina Lifestyle  a place to look, discover and share. Thank you for your support.

Adjusting To New Phone Transferring SD Card

There are no short cuts in life and to having a new phone it can be overwhelming. The great advantages when you have a lot of free time to spare staying at home you can play around with your phone.

You may come across you're not happy how phone look you will learn slowly how to work around to make old changes the way you're old phone may have looked.

In a certain part you may come across that you're frustrated not getting the way you want it to look, sound so on you need patience to adapt yourself to your new gadget.

Everyone feel the same way so does Carmina we tend to fall back wanting our new phone to have the same features in our old phone yet sometimes it is no longer possible depending on the phone you've decided to purchase.

How do you solve it?

Android Phones some had a memory card you can transfer your old files to your computer if you feel you want to transfer to your new phone you can.

Suggestion play safe saves all your files on your computer/laptop for back up reason you can remove your SD Card to your new phone.

For those who have the new high technology that no longer provide extra memory you're stuck by not using your memory card although there are other options to use it in good use.

You can link your memory card to your phone by using a memory card reader and link it to your android phone to save all your own data it may not be inside your new phone. You’re still able to use for future use.

Before transferring memory card to new phone:

  1. Make sure you have formatted the SD Card before you have inserted to new phone every phone has a different software.
  2. To do that click the drive where you're SD Card is located click right click to format.
You don't have a place to insert your memory card in your computer or laptop you may need a card reader you may read my story:

Good Luck and subscribe @Facebook Page Carmina Lifestyle a place to look, discover and share.

Thank you.

