One week ago my mom was telling me she wanted to have a box shipped out from the United States asking my cousin to purchase some of her belongings.
My mom was asking me to search for some dates that is from Saudi. I figure why does my mom have to wait till my cousin purchase the dates from the United States and still have to wait for it to arrive taking at least one month depending if there is cargo services.
My mom couldn't remember the brand of the dates she wanted to try all she can remember her brother had bought it for her before and she had liked it.
Carmina went ahead started looking for the dates in the Shopee Philippines application on her phone. Carmina began sharing the pictures to her mom via-Facebook Messenger in order for her mom to decide which ones she wanted her daughter to purchase for her.
Carmina's mom was able to find one she wanted to try for herself. Carmina remember her mom asking to find some Raisins for her macaroni salad she wanted to make at home. Finally she will be able to make what food she wants to eat at her home.
Carmina had placed the order and it had arrived to her home soon the dates will be delivered to my mom for her to eat.
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