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Unleash your YouTube potential with these live streaming hacks!

Carmina started exploring with her subscribers found them live streaming in their YouTube Channel. For those who you're subscribed too can often receive a notification when they go live streaming, or they may tag you to inform soon they plan to go live streaming. Carmina was reading some post from her subscribers asking who would be interested to watch her go live. Carmina made a comment saying sound good to me. The person had replied back to me letting me they'll be going live within fifteen minutes. Carmina entered the live of her subscriber and typed at the chat box that she was already there watching. The subscriber asked us if we ever gone live before in YouTube. I said, it was my first time actually watching someone just made me curious to see how it would be. Being new in YouTube no clue how live streaming works and how many subscribers you need to start. Tips: How to Start Live Streaming in YouTube Channel First on your phone click the plus sign It will say Go Live! th...

Binggrae Melona Melon vs Binggrae Melona Melon Tube

The difference from Binggrae Melona Melon vs Binggrae Melona Melon Tube well I will explain the pro and the cons of each one for you to understand.

The first one that came out is Binggrae Melona Melon that is on a stick and when you eat it is kind of messy on your hands when it melts and unable to eat it right away.

The second one is the Binggrae Melona Melon where the ingredient is inside a tube where you can just hold it twist open the top of the tube where there is a line.

You just need to squeeze and push it up kind of like a push up ice cream that they use to make in the United States.

Only difference it is a plastic tube not made of paper.

Binggrae Melona Melon Tube is not messy at all you can control how much you want to put in your mouth.

If, I we're to choose I'd pick the Binggrae Melona Melon Tube you can easily place it aside and doesn't come out only when you squeeze it out.

Assi Fresh Plaza Inc has a promotional where you can purchase it by five pieces as a set price of PHP 150.00 ($3.00) for Binggrae Melona Melon 75ml and PHP 220.00 ($4.40) Binggrae Melona Tube 130ml. I had purchase through Grab application and had it delivered to my home not including delivery fee and tip to the rider.

The ice cream wasn't melted when I placed my purchase.

To read about other products I have tried from Binggrae Ice Cream:
