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Unleash your YouTube potential with these live streaming hacks!

Carmina started exploring with her subscribers found them live streaming in their YouTube Channel. For those who you're subscribed too can often receive a notification when they go live streaming, or they may tag you to inform soon they plan to go live streaming. Carmina was reading some post from her subscribers asking who would be interested to watch her go live. Carmina made a comment saying sound good to me. The person had replied back to me letting me they'll be going live within fifteen minutes. Carmina entered the live of her subscriber and typed at the chat box that she was already there watching. The subscriber asked us if we ever gone live before in YouTube. I said, it was my first time actually watching someone just made me curious to see how it would be. Being new in YouTube no clue how live streaming works and how many subscribers you need to start. Tips: How to Start Live Streaming in YouTube Channel First on your phone click the plus sign It will say Go Live! th...

Let's Go to Starving Captain

Carmina's family member was starving looking for a sandwich to order and came across of Santi's Breads watching a video of their previous customers who has purchase 18' inches El Capitan Cheesy Steak Sandwich from them before. After watching the video the family member wanted to order it, but didn't know how to precede their order.

They came to Carmina asked her how to place the order.

Carmina had message Santi's Breads through their Facebook Page and asked for a menu after reviewing the menu passed it along the family members to check if they wanted to place and order the same time.

Carmina message Santi's Breads that she would like to place an order.

Santi's Breads sent a form to fill up the following:

  1. Name: 
  2. Address:
  3. Contact Number:
  4. Preferred Time:
  5. Orders
  6. Mode of Payments: COD, Gcash, fund transfer (BDO, Metro Bank & BPI)

Giving you a selection to choose of course Carmina did COD.

Santi's Breads will begin checking how much your delivery fee will cost to drop off your food.

Santi's Breads will verify you're order giving you the total amount to be paid to the rider since I had picked COD otherwise if it was a different Mode of Payment the same procedure will happen to you.

Due to time patiently waiting for my order to arrive making time for the person to make our order. It is really hard to give what time you want your food to be delivered to your location.

From a person who grew up making sandwiches in California when my parents had owned a Subway Sandwich Franchise? I know preparing food takes time being a Sandwich Artist.

Carmina had informed Santi's Breads that she has a personal blog and if it was alright with them to write an article on the food I had made a purchase.

In due time the food had arrived with a message from Santi's Breads informing the food was already given to the rider that they had booked for me.

  • El Capitan Cheesy Steak Sandwich PHP 350.00 ($7.00)

  • Captain Pollo PHP 300.00 ($6.00)
We had noted having the vegetables and sauce on the side.

  • Torpedo Potato PHP 180.00 ($3.60)

  • Iced Mocha PHP 70.00 ($1.40)

  • Vanilla Rootbeer Float PHP 90.00 ($1.80) for each one

You can watch my video clip on how the food look like in case you want to see an 18' inches El Capitan Cheesy Steak Sandwich everyone is talking about from Santi's Breads.


No one cannot finish their sandwiches have room for some more when you get hungry.
The sandwiches are delicious with all the fresh vegetables, mozzarella cheese and meat inside.

The torpedo potato is super spicy in what it has been indicated from the menu no worries when you drink some vanilla rootbeer float match well to remove your flaming tongue.

The iced mocha is kind of bitter good for those who are into that kind of flavor.


Santi's Breads is a great place to go when you're really starving can make you full eating at one place.

For those who are interesting in trying Santi's Breads you may click on their name to direct you and personal message to place your order.


Carmina is not selling food sold by Santi's Breads just a family member wanted to try their food after watching a video from their Facebook Page.

Subscribe @Facebook Page Carmina Lifestyle a place to look, discover and share.

Thank you.
