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Carmina's Best Friends Requesting for Romana's Peanut Brittle

Do you have best friends who request for Romana's Peanut Brittle? Carmina has informed her best friends that she will be in town the month of May in California. Carmina already knows from her best friends what they often request from me. Carmina has friends who are not Filipino, yet they love goodies coming from the Philippines. Even though you're not visiting Baguio City there is always a way to purchase it online. Carmina was able to find the Romana's Peanut Brittle from  Cordillera World Online Shop , Shopee Philippines for 240.00 pesos each medium size. The shipping and handling are not included in the price was told by the seller if you would like to receive it fast must pick J&T. The seller had sent me pictures how it would be bubbled wrap and, in a box, making sure it was secured to arrive at its destination. Carmina had opened each one to see how the Romana's Peanut Brittle looks. Expiration date is August 14, 2025 Ingredients Nutrition Facts Carmina had pur...

Carmina's Wellness after Dinner Routine Check List

 Carmina's Wellness after Dinner Routine Check List

Carmina always drinks tea after eating her dinner. She has an option of what flavor she prefers giving you a list what she always puts effort drinking it each night.

It has always been a habit for me to drink something warm. One way to keep ourselves healthy and remove all the toxics in our bodies from food we have eaten during the day.

Benefits drinking tea it will also help you to sleep better during the night it is something I've learned to those in the same situation being prisoners in our home.

Our minds tend to drift away with problems we may have or stress that is going with our surroundings.

  1. Artichoke Tea made in Vietnam
  2. Korean Honey Ginger Tea
  3. Traditional Korean Honey Ginger Tea
  4. Super Ginger Tea made in Singapore
  5. Korean Ottogi Honey Ginger Tea
Those are the list of my favorites in which I have personally tried on my own.

Even though we don't go outside we still need to make sure our face is cleaned up from dust floating in our homes.

Carmina exercise at 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM or 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. 

Carmina takes a shower after her exercise and often gets hungry afterwards burning off your food.

After drinking her tea she still clean her face and body something we need to do before hitting our beauty sleep.

Carmina uses beauty treatments on her face every night not missing it a way to make ourselves look young.

Once a week she gives her face a spa treatment using a face mask and nose strip to remove black heads on our nose.

Carmina uses a face lift bandage recommended when you have lost a lot of weight on your body tends to float on your face to sag up.

To firm it up to put back on place you can read it all here when I began using it.
It is normal to have pain in your body after exercising to relieve my pain. Carmina uses Ice Cold Method Analgesic Gel and have tried two different brands.

You may refer to it from the links given:

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Carmina's Wellness after Dinner Routine Check List
