Do you have best friends who request for Romana's Peanut Brittle? Carmina has informed her best friends that she will be in town the month of May in California. Carmina already knows from her best friends what they often request from me. Carmina has friends who are not Filipino, yet they love goodies coming from the Philippines. Even though you're not visiting Baguio City there is always a way to purchase it online. Carmina was able to find the Romana's Peanut Brittle from Cordillera World Online Shop , Shopee Philippines for 240.00 pesos each medium size. The shipping and handling are not included in the price was told by the seller if you would like to receive it fast must pick J&T. The seller had sent me pictures how it would be bubbled wrap and, in a box, making sure it was secured to arrive at its destination. Carmina had opened each one to see how the Romana's Peanut Brittle looks. Expiration date is August 14, 2025 Ingredients Nutrition Facts Carmina had pur...
Carmina's Wellness
Zero Exercise Lost Weight vs.
Exercise Lost Weight
Conclusion it is easy for Carmina to lose the weight there was no issues growing up however to make ourselves look healthy and firm our muscles makes a difference.
Year 2020 Carmina had lost weight became 110 pounds with a bob cut hair style going out with Mary Ann.
I remember I just started having Carmina Lifestyle where I began taking a video where I had visited at the beach.
Mary Ann and Carmina took a whole lot of photos of each other.
We can still look skinny, but we have fats hanging around from our tummy, arms and leg where they will not slowly go away not unless we do some exercise.
Carmina having long hair and trying to lose her tummy, arms and leg fat balance out how she looks even if it is not completely gone.
The way we stand up doesn't bring us off how we look being a young lady all over again.
Sorry no photo for the Exercise Lost Weight Due it is still in progress.....
Carmina will post it when it has happened to herself till now let's continue to be healthy in a better lifestyle.
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Carmina's Wellness - Zero Exercise Lost Weight vs. Exercise Lost Weight
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