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Carmina's Best Friends Requesting for Romana's Peanut Brittle

Do you have best friends who request for Romana's Peanut Brittle? Carmina has informed her best friends that she will be in town the month of May in California. Carmina already knows from her best friends what they often request from me. Carmina has friends who are not Filipino, yet they love goodies coming from the Philippines. Even though you're not visiting Baguio City there is always a way to purchase it online. Carmina was able to find the Romana's Peanut Brittle from  Cordillera World Online Shop , Shopee Philippines for 240.00 pesos each medium size. The shipping and handling are not included in the price was told by the seller if you would like to receive it fast must pick J&T. The seller had sent me pictures how it would be bubbled wrap and, in a box, making sure it was secured to arrive at its destination. Carmina had opened each one to see how the Romana's Peanut Brittle looks. Expiration date is August 14, 2025 Ingredients Nutrition Facts Carmina had pur...

Plant Based Burrito from Army Navy Burger + Burrito


Each and every time until Carmina completes her journey with Army Navy Burger + Burrito that has a variety of Plant Based on their menu.

Carmina decided upon trying their Plant Based Burrito that consist the same ingredient in a Mexican burrito only difference it is not made from meat.

Anyone who is into Vegan or prefer eating Plant Based Burrito you will never be left out from ordering food from Army Navy Burger + Burrito.

Plant Based Burrito comes with salsa, secret signature sauce in Army Navy and slice of lime for PHP 290.00 ($5.80) not including delivery fee from Grab Food and tip to the rider.

Carmina's Review Plant Based Burrito from Army Navy Burger + Burrito

Having to love to eat Mexican food you honestly won't know the difference if you fed this to someone who doesn't eat plant based products.

The plant based is cut up just how normally you see meat inside a burrito only difference is what it is made.

Carmina was able to try other plant based food sold by Army Navy and to read about it click the link given:
For your reference to see what other plant based food click the Official Site to check out the menu.


Carmina is not selling or advertising for Plant Based Burrito from Army Navy Burger + Burrito.

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