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Showing posts from March 10, 2021

Tips Protect your luggage with our shockproof wheel cover – travel worry-free!

Often people would add decoration on their wheels bringing an impression what they believe can stand out from the crowd. Every thought adding a sense of color in your plain luggage wheel to prevent getting damage. Luggage is the same with cars it travel places only difference we don't ride on them. Just adding color to be recognized and easy to find it at the carousel when you go to the airport from your destination. Carmina has seen these items floating around social media decided purchase it for her hand carry and luggage. Tips Before Making Your Purchase Be sure to check your wheels on your luggage because found out not much luggage can be able to use. Example: My large luggage the wheels have something blocking not unless you would remove the entire wheel however not sure how to do it. Best to measure your wheels to see if they are the right size for the cover. Before placing your order make sure how many wheels are in your hand carry and luggage. My hand carry without the cove...

Adult Pull Up Pants

Life changes when you're spouse can no longer go to the restroom by themselves. We have a family member who their parents has aged being a senior citizen with complication due to old age.  Life changes with our pattern in our atmosphere realizing the time we reach a certain age we are unable to be independent. We reach a point in our life to depend on the family members and care giver working at your side. The best solution is to start wearing adult diapers/pull up on your daily basis.  Just like when we're once a baby we get diaper rash from the type of material made. The same goes when we're older our body triggers skin allergies on part of our body. We tend to get sensitive and discomfort in area where it will trigger when we don't wear the right diaper or pull ups. ID Pants Pull Up Pant had no reaction to the spouse of the family member.  The family member had mentioned to me that her spouse is running low on the ID Pants Pull Up Pants Made in Belgium to check where...

Jalapeno Nacho

Carmina went to the healthy type of chips to feed her family member. I decided to try  Beanfield's Bean Chips Jalapeno Nacho  the vegan way. Carmina may be the only healthy person who eats the way she does but anyone can learn to eat a new chip if you offer it to them without knowing what it is. Do you remember what are parents did to us when we're a kid? Never really told us what our food was made of until we made a comment that we like the food or disagree with the taste. I remember my sister who had visited us in the Philippines who brought her children for their spring break vacation. We ate at a restaurant they only served duck. My sister's children only ate food made of chicken. My sister went ahead and ordered the duck without letting her children know what type of food was being served at the table. The children liked how it taste and after they had consumed the food my sister had informed them it was made of duck not chicken. My version to an older family member I ...

Organic Chips

Luke's Organic Kettle Style Potato Chips are made of 100% USAD Certified Organic, Non- GMO and gluten-free salty snacks that can be found at  Mom's Attic  Online Shop Shopee Philippines. There are different selections to choose base on what type you particular want to try for yourself and family member. I have never tried Luke's Organic Kettle Style Potato Chips. I was curious even to try it and place my order from the following flavors available in stock. Luke's Organic Kettle Style Potato Chips Barbecue PHP 270.00 ($5.40) 113 grams. Luke's Organic Kettle Style Potato Chips Cheddar & Sour Cream PHP 270.00 ($5.40) 113 grams. I wanted to try their Luke's Organic Firestorm Lightning Bolts Multigrain Spicy Cheddar Cheese Stick PHP 270.00 ($5.40) 113 grams. Let's see what will the family member will say about Luke's Organic Kettle Style Potato Chips the people who are not health conscious like me. Family Member's Review: Luke's Organic Kettle Sty...