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Family Requesting for Philippine Brand Fruits Balls

Long time ago Carmina had family visiting the Philippines last July 2024 when you shop for items to send back home family members requested from you. This year my family came over the month of February and some relatives requested for Philippine Brand Fruit Balls that I had sent. They loved it so much asked for more. Carmina decided to purchase it online found out  Dwayne & Kate's Pasalubong  Shopee Philippines from Cebu. Carmina had purchased six pieces to give to my friends who haven't tried it. Philippine Brand Fruit Balls are sold for 230.00 pesos ($4.04) not including shipping and handling. Carmina has a lot of friends who has never visited the Philippines. If you can give them the taste of what snacks are popular no problem sharing it to them. NOT SPONSORED. Subscribe @ Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel  for future updates. Thank you for your support.

Build Your Own Fish and Chips (Tilapia) from CargoFish City Golf Plaza

One year ago Carmina had tried CargoFish and decided to give it a second time around.

Carmina wanted to try a different type of fish that she hasn't tried at CargoFish.

Carmina had ordered Build Your Own Fish and Chips where she wanted to try Tilapia for a change rather having it the common Dory.

You need to pick 2 sides in which Carmina's choice is Sweet Potato Fries and Proper Chips (fries). To make it the British way is to have Sarson's Malt Vinegar on your fries although Carmina requested to be set aside in a separate container for PHP 310.00 ($6.08).

Sometimes in life our order doesn't arrive properly even if there is a note from CargoFish no need to worry all you need to contact the restaurant to process your order to be complete.

Who knows CargoFish got busy due it is Chinese New Year in the Philippines and order during lunch rush.

CargoFish had sent it over through Grab under their own expense with a complimentary Proper Chips Cone.

To read what Carmina has tried one year ago from CargoFish click the article giving you a link:

Carmina is not selling or advertising Build Your Own Fish and Chips (Tilapia) from CargoFish City Golf Plaza.

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