I have two friends who tell me I was sent to them when they are feeling down in their life the feeling everything is crashing down in their world.
They have felt I was sent through their prayers in something they always prayed for someone who can guide them to the right direction.
A person they can share their dreadful stories of their past life and have someone to help them become a stronger person to make new changes in their life.
Even though that person is not in front of you or close to you having to feel there is someone you can talk too and listen to your problems gives you a security with a back up plan how to make changes in your life.
Sometimes we need someone to be sent to us to clarify what we feel inside and what can we can do to overcome our own fears.
Carmina has a friend who has informed her that is God who is leading you the way to find these people. You’re a person who seems to be the right candidate to seek these people by helping them with your knowledge it makes you someone they can rely upon you.
Carmina prays every night to thank God for her blessing.
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