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Unleash your YouTube potential with these live streaming hacks!

Carmina started exploring with her subscribers found them live streaming in their YouTube Channel. For those who you're subscribed too can often receive a notification when they go live streaming, or they may tag you to inform soon they plan to go live streaming. Carmina was reading some post from her subscribers asking who would be interested to watch her go live. Carmina made a comment saying sound good to me. The person had replied back to me letting me they'll be going live within fifteen minutes. Carmina entered the live of her subscriber and typed at the chat box that she was already there watching. The subscriber asked us if we ever gone live before in YouTube. I said, it was my first time actually watching someone just made me curious to see how it would be. Being new in YouTube no clue how live streaming works and how many subscribers you need to start. Tips: How to Start Live Streaming in YouTube Channel First on your phone click the plus sign It will say Go Live! th...

Carmina Reunite with Her Suki in 168 Shopping Mall, Binondo, Philippines

Carmina hasn't seen her suki where she buys her gadget needs from phone covers, cords to charge, power bank and many more to shop.

Carmina went looking for old suki whom she has always purchase from them and bringing visitors to their stores inside 168 Shopping Mall, Binondo, Philippines.

Carmina was walking around the fourth floor where all the gadget needs has transfer in one area.

Carmina went to stall 4F-08 after finding her suki they remember who I was asking what I needed. 

Carmina wanted to purchase a data cable for her Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra and needed a power bank while she'll be doing some travelling with Mom Violy.

Bavin Type C Data Cable is PHP 250.00 ($4.81).

Carmina notice her old power bank doesn't have the type C to link to it.

Carmina had asked Che if she can recommend me one. She had showed me this power bank.

Che explained how it is an original and has an warranty for seven days replacement for factory defect and one month free service incase if it breaks. 

Che also said you don't need to bring a cord while it already has one attached on to the power bank. 

How to tell if it is fully charge it will indicate on the top showing it is 25%, 50%, 75% and 100 % remaining battery and it has a flashlight on the top.

M17 Power bank 10000 Mah can last up to ten hours before it runs out of power and can be charge three times for use of a smart phone.

Carmina had paid PHP 700.00 ($13.46) for a suki deal. 


Carmina is not selling or advertising for cable cord and Mi7 10000 Mah Power Bank.

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