How messy do you want your Hungarian Sausages?
Do you prefer it cheesy or spicy?
Before you decide to order from Hotties Gourmet Sausages you'll need to consider how much ingredients you want to bite into your Gourmet Sausages.
Take a look at Hotties Gourmet Sausages Menu to see which ones you would like to try.
Carmina had decided to try the Club Dog (Ala Carte) Hungarian PHP 205.00 ($3.94) with French Fries for additional PHP 149.00 ($2.87).
We also had the Sonora Combo (Hungarian) PHP 209.00 ($4.03) with Mojos for PHP 229.00 ($4.40).
We also had the Cheesy Melt Combo with choice of Cheesy Creamer and Upgrade Large Drink for PHP 290.00 ($5.58) and Garlic Bread for PHP 69.00 ($1.31).
Just tip Hungarian sausages are quite spicy by adding additional ingredients need to think which level you can handle in your tongue.
When deciding to pick the Cheesy Creamy make sure there is not too many cheese oh boy you know what the feeling will be reaching your stomach.
Otherwise enjoy and explore within Hotties Gourmet Sausages in Marikina, Philippines.
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