Carmina had informed her sister Charina that the vegetable she been wanting to eat is fresh artichokes.
Charina had purchase Ocean Mist Microwaveable Fresh Artichoke that can be cooked for 7 minutes inside the bag by adding no water in it.
Mom Violy couldn't believe it as watching being cooked inside the microwave and being steaming hot after being cooked.
Make sure you're using something to remove from the microwave because it is extremely hot.
This is Carmina's portion of her share of fresh artichoke where you can check in your location in case you would like to try it yourself Ocean Mist Farms.
Carmina's Review:
It tastes exactly if you we're to boil it with water on a stove top. Some people are not patient enough to wait and seat around where Ocean Mist Farms made it easier for those who want to eat in 7 minutes inside your microwave.
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