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Family Requesting for Philippine Brand Fruits Balls

Long time ago Carmina had family visiting the Philippines last July 2024 when you shop for items to send back home family members requested from you. This year my family came over the month of February and some relatives requested for Philippine Brand Fruit Balls that I had sent. They loved it so much asked for more. Carmina decided to purchase it online found out  Dwayne & Kate's Pasalubong  Shopee Philippines from Cebu. Carmina had purchased six pieces to give to my friends who haven't tried it. Philippine Brand Fruit Balls are sold for 230.00 pesos ($4.04) not including shipping and handling. Carmina has a lot of friends who has never visited the Philippines. If you can give them the taste of what snacks are popular no problem sharing it to them. NOT SPONSORED. Subscribe @ Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel  for future updates. Thank you for your support.

Mom Lolet Touring Us to Baguio Country Club

We had entered inside wearing our face mask.

Mom Lolet asked if I ever been inside Baguio Country Club. I said, no it is my first time. She decided to show us around riding from the lobby was an elevator proceed to inside was a store for people who are planning to get married. 

Hallway with painted photos is the walkway we entered outside was the gym facility no one in sight. Mom Lolet said, it is busy during the morning for the members.

Upon entering can see a miniature golf course and playground for the kids and adults, swimming pool that is covered with seats to watch and wait.

I was able to take a video of the facility and photos of the flowers, trees and golf area accompany with Mom Lolet and her friends.

We said our goodbye with everyone went separate ways. We had a great time even if the bonding moment was short.


Carmina is not selling or advertising for Baguio Country Club.

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