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Transform your daily routine with Carmina's innovative Magnetic Bee Hole Cooling Case! 🐝 Cool down and stay stylish with this must-have accessory.

Carmina notice when she had her Samsung Galaxy Ultra s23 it would always get very hot even if you're in an airconditioned room. I used to attend Poppo Live party from Yssa's panel doing my task on my phone. Hours would pass by my phone would hang during the process. After I had changed my phone case to magnetic bee hole cooling case found it better way to stay off being hot. Mobile phone is like human get hot when wearing the wrong case for human it is clothing. Carmina decided to buy one for her new phone that I've already pre-ordered Samsung Galaxy s25 Ultra from my Globe carrier. Carmina always thinks in advance making sure would have a phone case for my new gadget prefer to have it secured. Carmina knows stores won't be able to have phone cases that you prefer when the phone is newly released. EioJio Electronic  Online Shopee is where Carmina had purchased her Magnetic Bee Hole Cooling Case for 231.00 pesos ($4.05) not including shipping and handling.  Inside the...

Carmina's Secret How to Increase Your 10K Followers in Facebook

Never thought it was a piece of cake to increase my followers in Carmina Lifestyle. 

I used to wonder how these top noters can receive so many followers within one day. No one really say how they can do it. 

Everyone has to learn on their own and figure it out what works for them.

I've seen comments saying they have been restricted for six days. I can relate to that because it has happened to me before. Basically, you're not alone when it happens to you or someone else.

You've experience it you can make a comment to someone letting you know it is alright just be patient until restriction is over. 

Just say when you have become an expert with exploring inside Facebook. There is a trick that works for you to become recognize is by my simple answer keep communicating with new people.

Mingle inside by entering someone's page and soon you'll meet a new friend who has a lot of followers.

Join Group Pages by following them read what they have post. Follow who are on the list even if you have no clue who they are read, watch their reels and react to their post.

Life is happy when you've reached the goal you want for yourself.

People may question how you reached your followers quickly. Even if you try to explain yourself somehow, they cannot comprehend what you're trying to explain.

I've given tips and if they don't want to take my advice it is alright. They have the choices to make on their own.


Someone you've recent followed has Promote your name best way to increase your Followers is by sharing their post on your wall.

Carmina's goal is not to just increase my followers. I would like to help the people below me. I've experience it last year 2022. 

I thought it was impossible to gain followers in reality there is a stagey. It doesn't mean you need to do something bad against your will.

Learn to Comment on your new friends post but do it because you're interested in what content they have don't do it just for nothing.

Respect the people who you follow and if you don't like what they are doing ignore it.

Best to Join a Group that will promote you and someone else away to increase your followers.


There are group pages that has a list of people listed down. Follow them even if your not in the list. These people who makes free promotion will add you to their list. It may start of only less than 5 people added yet it will increase up.

I've found one that had promoted 312 Facebook Page on her list. It is quite long will take days to finish it especially when your too active you've reached your limit each day.

My way to get back to those who have promoted me is to share it in my page. It gives other to see who has tagged you as well increase the followers who has posted it for you.

Carmina is thankful for achieving her goals. Giving the opportunity to look for new topics to share all with you.


Subscribe @Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel a place to look, discover and share.

Thank you for your support!


  1. Very interesting tips of how to increase followers in Facebook. Keep it up.


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