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Family Requesting for Philippine Brand Fruits Balls

Long time ago Carmina had family visiting the Philippines last July 2024 when you shop for items to send back home family members requested from you. This year my family came over the month of February and some relatives requested for Philippine Brand Fruit Balls that I had sent. They loved it so much asked for more. Carmina decided to purchase it online found out  Dwayne & Kate's Pasalubong  Shopee Philippines from Cebu. Carmina had purchased six pieces to give to my friends who haven't tried it. Philippine Brand Fruit Balls are sold for 230.00 pesos ($4.04) not including shipping and handling. Carmina has a lot of friends who has never visited the Philippines. If you can give them the taste of what snacks are popular no problem sharing it to them. NOT SPONSORED. Subscribe @ Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel  for future updates. Thank you for your support.

Hidden Truth How to Increase Your Followers inside Facebook

Hidden Truth How to Increase Your Followers inside Facebook.


Carmina Lifestyle started blogging on year 2019. It was the peak when my friends kept telling me to share my travelled experiences.

My friends felt from all the countries I had traveled with Mom Violy would be the right person to ask.

During our life being stranded in our homes on year 2020 lead us become a prisoner in our home because of "covid".

The only outlet in my life was a laptop, hard drive filled of past memories and your android phone.

Life staying at home wasn't pleasant but seeing people going outside in different countries lead me to believe there was life outside your room.

Social media lead people remove what was going on with your life finding a different outlet.

Carmina Lifestyle didn't have that many followers. Most of her followers started off from her close friends, relatives and acquaintances.

In every life we start off having these people grow into you we never thought how to increase our followers because we still had to develop our own strategies to build and establish our Facebook, Instagram and website to make sure all our contents were what our audience would stay tune with you.

After years had passed by is when Carmina realized she wanted to challenge herself. By expanding her followers on her own.

One day out of nowhere I saw people who I didn't know their names was listed that was posted floating on social media.

In the beginning I thought Follow to Follow was the right move. Reality is we had gained our followers, but we lose our organic people who was near to us.

People do change once you've reached 10K followers those people who was near you from the beginning has slowly fade away.

Their life perhaps has changed with different priority in their life.

We have friends feel since you've gain so many followers out of them what does it matter if they no longer engage in your post.

How does someone prevent themselves not to get restricted in Facebook?

It took me awhile to figure it out. One day a tutorial reels popped up in my feeds.

I watched it and it said to follow people through their reels album not on the main Facebook Page or profile photo.

I had clicked the three dots and clicked one reels video that I would be interested in.

I watched it until the end. Clicked follow, comment and in every reels I would put a heart or person laughing depending on the content I was watching.

I was told a thumbs up is zero point.

It has been a long time since I stopped reaching session expired and temporary blocked from meta.

I also limited myself each day only allowed one hundred per day to follow someone.

I started using hashtags on my post was told I can gain followers this way.

Reality it is true.

I was scared at first to do reels, but seeing my friends post it in their Instagram made me realize a person who can take videos and edit on their phone. How can reels be hard to do.

Just it is limited to one minute.

Well, I've learned the hard way yet saw an article it is the best to upload your reels on the application on Business Meta Suite when your already monetized earning stars and ads on reels.

Every stage in life there is no short cut even people below you are asking for help.

Carmina Lifestyle started with trial and error giving us challenges to groom ourselves reaching our goals.

Upon thinking what to post in reels is figure what content your followers are into before you start posting something random.

Give a variety going based on subject related to your Facebook Page.

Carmina just happens to be the lucky one. 

Carmina Lifestyle represents variety of things basically what revolves from places to see, restaurant you've eaten, basic life involves people around you making it your own home.

Explore and see what works for you develop your own creativity by challenge yourself in return it will all pay back.

Receiving a star is the highlight from your reels.

It shows how your followers (viewers) interact by what you have post. Those who has reacted gives you a reason to believe you've won an award.

I have seen people complain about receiving just a star which equivalent to one star for Philippines currency is twenty-five centavos. Based on US Dollar it is one star is a penny.

How I see it the coins are just having a piggy bank. The more coins you have the greater savings has developed until you can cash out a greater amount.

There is no reason to complain or feel less motivated in what you love to do.

Carmina started following Star Senders people posting their names kind of like a promote floating on your feeds.

No matter if someone tells you that your high up there. It only means you have actually found what you love to do building your own happiness.

We can fall into traps of what people tell us. Yet, we can prevent from others who are misleading us the wrong way.

Several times you'll receive someone wanting to scam you for relationship, crypto, business, religious beliefs, tarot card reading, donation saying they are dying with an illness, and they have no one to donate their inheritance asking to give your bank details.

Reality we can run into the wrong people as well, but we need to protect ourselves. Our tool is to block them from our life.


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