Carmina took a bet from Uncle Boni who is the best friend of Mom Violy. Uncle Boni is another father to me.
Make the story short Uncle Boni somewhat wanted me to increase my followers from 15K to 20K.
Nothing is impossible just need patience to figure out how to find your 5K followers.
Carmina was no pro making reels although never had problems learning something new.
Sometimes I do go out to explore other days like anyone else stay at home.
I have an external hard drive filled with memories somewhat was deleted from my video album in Carmina Lifestyle when I wasn't monetized yet.
I wanted to make sure no violations would occur at some point.
I learned that replacing NCS rather having the actual music would boost me without any restrictions.
I had challenged myself doing voice over by writing in Microsoft word on my laptop. I would read my script on my phone before uploading my reels in Facebook.
After realizing not many of my viewers were not as active because they have their own priorities.
Life being stranded from the pandemic or some who didn't have a job went back to work.
Everyone's priorities are all different.
My new journey will be doing live streaming to get what everyone wants is to turn on ads on reels.
Certainly, I know it will come through patience based on watching my fellow friends giving me the encouragement to try something I most fear.
Carmina realized it won't be a piece of cake, but something to battle on a new challenge.
I hope everyone who has always supported me will be there when I go live.
Cheers to the next outcome in Carmina Lifestyle!
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