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Boost your YouTube channel's visibility with these pro tips for keyword optimization!

Starting March 1st Carmina made changes to her YouTube Channel by watching tutorials to see if it would work. In every situation to see something would work we need to make changes and see if what people say are true. Many people say add hashtags to your post however they don't know inside YouTube Studio there is a section to type up five hundred. How do you start adding hashtags to your channel? First you will enter your Channel on the lefthand side look for YouTube Studio. Click YouTube Studio  Click Settings Click Channel Look at Basic Information choose which country you live and start adding keywords what your channel is all about than click save. Those who don't know the keywords are hashtags that explains what your channel is all about. This is the trending hidden way people say only way you can be discovered inside YouTube. People say it takes six months for your channel to be discovered. We'll see how many subscribers you will have so far, I have 212 subscribers. I...

Carmina Taught Yssa How to Trade During her Solo Live Streaming

Did you know you can trade when someone is doing their solo live in Poppo?

Carmina was able to teach Yssa how to trade when she was doing her live steaming.

I sent Yssa a watch worth 3k even if she only had 2k to trade. Sometimes we want our new friends to experience receiving a higher amount.

Yssa was surprised to receive a watch popping on her screen.

There are some people who don't earn that much in Poppo since they are only new.

How can they increase themselves if they don't have anyone to help them out.

Carmina doesn't mind helping people out with something they aren't aware of in return there will good blessing coming your way.


Carmina met Yssa in Facebook she had given me a star in my reels. 

Yssa mentioned she also have a Poppo Live and doesn't quite know how to use it.

I asked Yssa for her ID number and added her in Facebook on my personal account.

It seems easier to PM her there and explain how it works.

First, I gave her links on articles I wrote, but since she doesn't seem to comprehend what I wrote decided to teach her while doing our live streaming.

Some people learn when you teach them online explain what they need to click.

Yssa had informed me she doesn't have anyone to teach her.

I had no problem to teach Yssa explain how everything works inside Poppo Live.

After our session we're able to get to know each other during our conversation.

The advantages you gain more friends on your list even if you have never met them in person.


Subscribe Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel a place to look, discover and share.

Thank you for your support!


  1. Thank you so much Sissy for always me there. 🫰🤗🥰😇🙏

    1. You're most welcome. I am glad to help you learn new things using Poppo Live. 😍


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