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Got No Coins in Poppo There is a Solution

Carmina experience how it feels not having any funds in doing Poppo. The feeling is the same in real life unable to do activities, How does someone cope with the situation? Possible solution is either borrow coins from friends active doing Poppo. Chances are the people who have loaned the coins will ask it back. Pay by installment or pay in full once have the funds. Those who are not a normal VIP very impossible not unless you play games. What are the chances from money you start off will you win. Doubtfully you’ll be having stressful thinking how to pay back what you owe. Life in Poppo is the same feeling in reality when money is involved. We may have friends give you time to pay them. We may feel need to pay someone who are not used to borrow money. No matter what we feel the stress adds on by making sure we have daily funds pay the expenses we don’t own. Carmina doesn’t usually buy coins yet somehow felt only way to solve my problem. I searched it up foun

Yssa has Accepted New Challenge Trade 10k with Carmina in Poppo Live

The only way to expose your friends to have some experience is to challenge themselves.

Yssa was able to practice sending me gifts worth 3k and 5k in Poppo Live.

I wanted her to get excited receiving gifts from doing a 10k trade.

I remember when I just started doing Poppo Live it was an exciting feeling to receive gifts and see it on your screen.

The objects floating it is a life experience.

Carmina had informed Yssa there are only two that she can picked from Love Doll and Cheers.

Yssa said the Love Dolls look cute.

Carmina sent the Cheers either way Yssa can see how they both look on the screen.

Carmina next challenge for Yssa is to trade 20k it will increase each time.


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