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Boost your YouTube channel's visibility with these pro tips for keyword optimization!

Starting March 1st Carmina made changes to her YouTube Channel by watching tutorials to see if it would work. In every situation to see something would work we need to make changes and see if what people say are true. Many people say add hashtags to your post however they don't know inside YouTube Studio there is a section to type up five hundred. How do you start adding hashtags to your channel? First you will enter your Channel on the lefthand side look for YouTube Studio. Click YouTube Studio  Click Settings Click Channel Look at Basic Information choose which country you live and start adding keywords what your channel is all about than click save. Those who don't know the keywords are hashtags that explains what your channel is all about. This is the trending hidden way people say only way you can be discovered inside YouTube. People say it takes six months for your channel to be discovered. We'll see how many subscribers you will have so far, I have 212 subscribers. I...

Tips: How to Increase Hourly Rate in Poppo Live

For me it was easy to upgrade my hourly rate since during the time I had won 300,000 from sending gifts there was already funds to use from my coins.

I've always wanted to increase my hourly rate.

For one week I was able to make trades with my friends.

I am thankful to those helping with their trades in their daily task those who are receiving gifts or receiving rewards being a Normal VIP.

Carmina had informed Yssa about it since we always wanted to know what it feels like to increase your rate.

I can understand why lots of people would love to be in my shoes.

Yssa and Carmina have been tagged team trying to change our hourly rate.

We had started from 1,000 hourly rate.

Guideline is every day check your Live Task Level Details see how much needs to be trade in order maintain your rate.

Looking at our tools in Poppo you can see how much you need to trade to reach the 3,000 hourly rates.

Based on Level Task it tells you what your guideline in order is maintain your hourly rate.

I have placed an arrow to see.

Reaching 3k hourly rate was easy for those who are a Super Vip based on my experience. 


It says you need to trade 27,748 remember there is a 30% deduction the amount should be 50k just to be safe.

Task is complete for 2 hours solo live you will receive 3,000 on reward going directly to your points once claimed.

Task to sit at a party for two hours is 800 points each goes directly to your points once claimed.

Yssa and Carmina had a difficult time understanding the pattern until we had reached our 5,000 hourly rates.

Same things need to complete two hours solo live can also do while host a party on your panel.

Only difference sometimes you may hang depending how many people are seating down doing their task.

There is also a two-hour task to sit at someone's party make sure you sit down on the gold seat.

How it works in order to maintain your hourly rate:

Starting on Monday you will see how much you need to reach the ideal rate for example I needed 70,000 in order for me to be 5,000 hourly rates.

Something you need to know ahead that Poppo gets 30% of your trade. There is a possibility you'll need to add more funds. 

Every day from Monday to Sunday make sure you make a trade with someone. The ideal is to make sure you reach the bracket in case you want to reach the next hourly rate which would be 9,000 hourly from 5,000.

However, if you don't have funds from 5,000 hourly rate you will go back to 3,000 hourly rates.

Make sure you don't go back to 1,000 hourly rates try to maintain how much to maintain your 3,000 hourly rate or you'll end up starting from the beginning.

Having to experience being a higher rate there is chance you can earn more on your points. 

I highly suggest you have someone to make your daily trades. Helping each other is good the good part your level will increase.

Make sure you're a Vip to have daily rewards coins that can trade easily daily.

There will be moments when you feel stressed not able to have the funds to make it for the bracket you want in order maintain your rate.

On my experience I had no internet for six days it was difficult to stay doing my daily task. I was falling behind. 

I couldn't afford the ideal hourly rate.

It was alright because when you think about it was getting stressful when working alone in Poppo Live.

Not unless you have an agency with a lot of members to recruit who will be able to give you funds from being active.

I can understand why most people don't really increase their hourly rate it is not mandatory only those who would like to achieve to increase their points.


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