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Showing posts from March 12, 2025

Unleash your YouTube potential with these live streaming hacks!

Carmina started exploring with her subscribers found them live streaming in their YouTube Channel. For those who you're subscribed too can often receive a notification when they go live streaming, or they may tag you to inform soon they plan to go live streaming. Carmina was reading some post from her subscribers asking who would be interested to watch her go live. Carmina made a comment saying sound good to me. The person had replied back to me letting me they'll be going live within fifteen minutes. Carmina entered the live of her subscriber and typed at the chat box that she was already there watching. The subscriber asked us if we ever gone live before in YouTube. I said, it was my first time actually watching someone just made me curious to see how it would be. Being new in YouTube no clue how live streaming works and how many subscribers you need to start. Tips: How to Start Live Streaming in YouTube Channel First on your phone click the plus sign It will say Go Live! th...

Unleash your YouTube potential with these live streaming hacks!

Carmina started exploring with her subscribers found them live streaming in their YouTube Channel. For those who you're subscribed too can often receive a notification when they go live streaming, or they may tag you to inform soon they plan to go live streaming. Carmina was reading some post from her subscribers asking who would be interested to watch her go live. Carmina made a comment saying sound good to me. The person had replied back to me letting me they'll be going live within fifteen minutes. Carmina entered the live of her subscriber and typed at the chat box that she was already there watching. The subscriber asked us if we ever gone live before in YouTube. I said, it was my first time actually watching someone just made me curious to see how it would be. Being new in YouTube no clue how live streaming works and how many subscribers you need to start. Tips: How to Start Live Streaming in YouTube Channel First on your phone click the plus sign It will say Go Live! th...

Want to keep your YouTube subscribers engaged and increase views on your channel? Follow these top tips for posting pictures and maximizing visibility for your audience!

The trending is to post pictures from your YouTube Channel and the ones who haven't reached 500 subscribers. We can also do it by posting it in our community and the ones who are already subscribed to your channel can see the post. You can tag people and explain what your title of the post or pictures is if they have established a YouTube Channel. Carmina has started posting pictures of her family members and explaining who they are. Since just started being active in my Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel wanted to give an introduction who my family are. I posted my friends who you've known for a long time also can be seen in my videos during our travels, wellness and activities. Sharing links of my articles in my  Carmina Lifestyle Website . Carmina had shared the links to Mary Ann.  Mary Ann had informed the link didn't bring her to the post or didn't know how to enter. Carmina decided to share to her subscribers how they can see what I have post in my community. First...

Tips to engage with your audience on YouTube: Learn how to enable comments on your channel today!

Yssa had informed Carmina that she has three YouTube Channel. Carmina asked what her names in YouTube Channel is so I can subscribe from her. Carmina sent Yssa her link in  Carmina Lifestyle Channel .  Yssa saw that I had 98 videos. Yssa decided to watch some, and she wanted to make a comment. Yssa found it was off. Yssa informed Carmina about it. Carmina asked Yssa how you can change the settings. Go to Main Page of your YouTube Channel on right hand side click on the profile picture. Click View your channel Click Manage videos Channel content click the video, and you will see a pencil to edit. Scroll down until you see Comments and settings turn it on make sure save your work located on right hand side. Do the same steps on each video. Everyone will learn something new by making changes in their YouTube Channel. NOT SPONSORED. Subscribe @ Carmina Lifestyle YouTube Channel  a place to look, discover and share. Thank you for your support.

Protect your precious content by following these YouTube security tips!

The life we live comes a long when you post something in social media there will always be someone who would like to reuse your video. It has been a long time where I don't appreciate people who reuse someone's content that they spend a long-time making edit. Anyone who comes a long can take the credit from your work is the saddest part and can spread out around all social media platforms. They can also use a different template and rechange everything yet still has something similar to what you have post. Very sad to say life inside being a digital creator we need to watch what we do. Make sure you protect your work. Tips: Protect your precious content by following these YouTube security tips! Sign in to your YouTube Channel and Click Manage Channel Channel content is list of videos you have already uploaded and posted. Click the video and you will see a pencil click to make your edit. Scroll down until you see Audience Click See more Video details click not Allow Embedding and...